Biff Wonsley

The swimming leaders/winners graphics (though it's not used exclusively in swimming) come from the official Games feed, not NBC. I suppose NBC could graft on their own version, but their gear isn't directly connected to the official timing system.

The swimming leaders/winners graphics (though it's not used exclusively in swimming) come from the official Games feed, not NBC. I suppose NBC could graft on their own version, but their gear isn't directly connected to the official timing system.

@jayrig5:disqus I suppose it just depends on the sport. In swimming, for example, there is no distinction between amateur or professional. FINA, the sport's governing body, doesn't care. It pays prize money at the swimming world championships. The USOC pays US athletes for medals at the Olympics ($25,000 gold, $15,000

@jayrig5:disqus I suppose it just depends on the sport. In swimming, for example, there is no distinction between amateur or professional. FINA, the sport's governing body, doesn't care. It pays prize money at the swimming world championships. The USOC pays US athletes for medals at the Olympics ($25,000 gold, $15,000

Phelps' turns & finish in the 200 fly betrayed a lack of concentration bred from lack of preparation. If you know you haven't done the work, it seeps into your head and undermines your focus. Even the great Phelps has a hard time putting these thoughts out of his mind. And if he's not in optimum shape, his stroke

Phelps' turns & finish in the 200 fly betrayed a lack of concentration bred from lack of preparation. If you know you haven't done the work, it seeps into your head and undermines your focus. Even the great Phelps has a hard time putting these thoughts out of his mind. And if he's not in optimum shape, his stroke

SG Standard – I don't know why Phelps didn't swim the 100 back & 100 free. He had no business swimming the 400 IM, and might have profited from skipping the 200 fly. He obviously didn't want to do the training necessary for the longer events. I wish his coach had understood this & pushed him in the direction of some

SG Standard – I don't know why Phelps didn't swim the 100 back & 100 free. He had no business swimming the 400 IM, and might have profited from skipping the 200 fly. He obviously didn't want to do the training necessary for the longer events. I wish his coach had understood this & pushed him in the direction of some

Yes, swimming online is definitely worth the effort. The two commentators know their stuff, with one being a former swimmer, one who doesn't follow a script like Rowdy. Rowdy was on the Dan Patrick show today (podcast it) and sounded much less moronic. On the other hand, Lochte was also on, and didn't come across as a

Yes, swimming online is definitely worth the effort. The two commentators know their stuff, with one being a former swimmer, one who doesn't follow a script like Rowdy. Rowdy was on the Dan Patrick show today (podcast it) and sounded much less moronic. On the other hand, Lochte was also on, and didn't come across as a

I think the Nadia games were live, since they were in Montreal, and broadcast by ABC & Roone Arledge. The grownups back then knew how to do it. Of course there was just the one channel, and no online offerings. And since the Americans were crap, we got to see Nadia & Olga & that relatively large Russian chick who won

I think the Nadia games were live, since they were in Montreal, and broadcast by ABC & Roone Arledge. The grownups back then knew how to do it. Of course there was just the one channel, and no online offerings. And since the Americans were crap, we got to see Nadia & Olga & that relatively large Russian chick who won

Technically that amateur stuff has gone out the window. The IOC no longer even pretends. Otherwise they wouldn't have tennis or soccer or basketball in the Games, to name just a few. The NCAA is the only game left in town that keeps athletes from being paid for all the money they bring in. Missy Franklin has said she

Technically that amateur stuff has gone out the window. The IOC no longer even pretends. Otherwise they wouldn't have tennis or soccer or basketball in the Games, to name just a few. The NCAA is the only game left in town that keeps athletes from being paid for all the money they bring in. Missy Franklin has said she

ABC used that theme song at least as far back as Montreal 1976. I remember being surprised whenever NBC first used it. It's just a song. I'm sure the CW could license it when they buy the games off NBC when the Peacock finally goes under (ideally dragging Comcast down with it.)

ABC used that theme song at least as far back as Montreal 1976. I remember being surprised whenever NBC first used it. It's just a song. I'm sure the CW could license it when they buy the games off NBC when the Peacock finally goes under (ideally dragging Comcast down with it.)

FX in the opening were quite impressive, especially the sound. We always have the sound up loud in anticipation of the theme song, and the volume really enhanced the slow motion rain while we tried to figure out if we were seeing someone who could stop time or just run really fast.

FX in the opening were quite impressive, especially the sound. We always have the sound up loud in anticipation of the theme song, and the volume really enhanced the slow motion rain while we tried to figure out if we were seeing someone who could stop time or just run really fast.

While I'm still enjoying the show, this reminded me of the 1st episode of the 3rd season of Millennium, where I'd hoped for/expected a radically-changed world, but instead Frank/Rosen have been shown to be crazy & have to work to have their reputations restored, partly as a result of behind- the-scenes changes in the

While I'm still enjoying the show, this reminded me of the 1st episode of the 3rd season of Millennium, where I'd hoped for/expected a radically-changed world, but instead Frank/Rosen have been shown to be crazy & have to work to have their reputations restored, partly as a result of behind- the-scenes changes in the