Biff Wonsley

Well said. Though Donna certainly isn't alone when it comes to reviewers moralizing about Walter's "descent" into awesome crime lord.

Well said. Though Donna certainly isn't alone when it comes to reviewers moralizing about Walter's "descent" into awesome crime lord.

Enjoyed the review, but take issue with the assumption that Walt is on a one-way trajectory downward. All evidence through season 4 argues the contrary. He won. He destroyed his enemies. That's a crime lord on the ascendant. I look forward to seeing him attain the throne.

Enjoyed the review, but take issue with the assumption that Walt is on a one-way trajectory downward. All evidence through season 4 argues the contrary. He won. He destroyed his enemies. That's a crime lord on the ascendant. I look forward to seeing him attain the throne.

We did have at least one dumbass last night. Saw/heard one on a re-run of American Dad recently, too. I welcome the relatively recent introduction of this wonderful word to comedy television. For some reason it has more impact on TV than in real life.

We did have at least one dumbass last night. Saw/heard one on a re-run of American Dad recently, too. I welcome the relatively recent introduction of this wonderful word to comedy television. For some reason it has more impact on TV than in real life.

I think him being a caricature is intentional. This show can't get too serious, and Louis being Louis makes sure that won't happen.

I think him being a caricature is intentional. This show can't get too serious, and Louis being Louis makes sure that won't happen.

Louis is my favorite character. I probably should know Rick Hoffman from somewhere else, but I don't recall seeing him in anything else & now I'm wondering how this could be. The man steals every scene he's in. I can do w/o him secretly recording Harvey sticking the knife in him, as I think it's a step too far even

Louis is my favorite character. I probably should know Rick Hoffman from somewhere else, but I don't recall seeing him in anything else & now I'm wondering how this could be. The man steals every scene he's in. I can do w/o him secretly recording Harvey sticking the knife in him, as I think it's a step too far even

I enjoyed the episode & am glad to have the show back, but Peter really fucked Neal. I would've been more hesitant to hug Peter than Neal was.

I enjoyed the episode & am glad to have the show back, but Peter really fucked Neal. I would've been more hesitant to hug Peter than Neal was.

I was a Sorkin newbie before Studio 60 and, gulp, I enjoyed it, not understanding all the oppobrium heaped upon it. I do also believe Sorkin is held to a higher standard, and that this is partly due to his in your face politics, as if other TV shows are apolitical. Sorry to get all grad schooly, but every show has a

I was a Sorkin newbie before Studio 60 and, gulp, I enjoyed it, not understanding all the oppobrium heaped upon it. I do also believe Sorkin is held to a higher standard, and that this is partly due to his in your face politics, as if other TV shows are apolitical. Sorry to get all grad schooly, but every show has a

The gnome barfing rainbows over the credits – couldn't help but think of Family Guy.

The gnome barfing rainbows over the credits – couldn't help but think of Family Guy.

Aw, come on. Louis being Louis is always one of the highlights of any episode! I don't really care if he has an interesting story going on, he's a hoot whatever he does. Great voice, too.

Aw, come on. Louis being Louis is always one of the highlights of any episode! I don't really care if he has an interesting story going on, he's a hoot whatever he does. Great voice, too.

There was an LSAT sign on the far wall in the lecture hall where she took the test. I was wondering what test she was taking as well.

There was an LSAT sign on the far wall in the lecture hall where she took the test. I was wondering what test she was taking as well.