Biff Wonsley

Should've had a stunt rock-thrower for Carl.

Not especially relevant, though, unless Herschel has Super Awesome doctoring skills he learned at vet school. Then again, you can't put it past this show to have Dale survive. Or have Carl sneak out & shoot Randall.

Oh come on, now we get yet another episode to decide what to do with Randall! Isn't that what everyone wanted?

Ha, my wife said the same thing. "Where the fuck did that lake come from?" They would've been swimming in that thing all summer but, hey, that would make sense or something.

People mock Dale the character. He's such a cartoon, it was hard to take anything he said seriously. Got a moral problem to chew over? Let's go over to Dale watch him hash it out self-righteously, boring us with his monologues. He could've been an interesting conscience of the show. Instead he was just a whiny nag.

Three awesome things happened in tonight's episode: Dale died, the kid did it, and Dale died. Thank god Mr. Whinypants finally got his guts ripped open, though it's a little weird that suddenly this dumb kid has some agency after doing fuck all up to now, apart from taking a bullet.

Fucking mobile site put this comment at the bottom of the page…

Ashur indeed will probably turn on Glaber. I could almost see him eventually joining forces with Spartacus. Maybe. That would certainly be awesome.

Oh, it's not a deal-breaker, I'll continue to watch. It just seems like a desperate role of the dice. "If people don't find the show interesting, let's throw in Hitler! That will make people want to watch."

You're probably right, but for once I wasn't looking at her breasts, but rather her rather fetching figure.

Why do the links on the mobile site never work for the What's on Tonight page? It's been like this forever

"I promise myself I wouldn't cry.

…or maybe he has a super-advanced sense of smell, like a shark combined with a drug dog.

Vambrace? Nice. I want to go where you went to school. That's a sweet word, too. Sounds appropriately menacing.

Sincere question: Do you mean it's hard to argue in the sense that it's easy to argue that Lucretia deserved to be raped, or that one should never argue that someone deserves to be raped?

You have a point, but I just couldn't take that guy's hair any longer.

That made wife & me howl with laughter, too. This show has really gone all in now, to ridiculous levels. They aren't content to just have their own little Grimm world with freaky little creatures. No, they have to bring Hitler into it. On the other hand, I kind of want to see where they're gonna go with Hitler.

I feel dirty for saying this, but it's hard to argue that Lucretia doesn't deserve everything that's coming to her. Brutal as it was, she has wreaked far more havoc in slave's lives. Making Gannicus have sex with Oenomaus's wife, letting lizard-faced prick bufu the virgin slave, who then ended up executed in the

Yeah, but you have to respect his destruction of the centurions. I was expecting him to have his ass handed to him, until the moment he threw sand in their face. Then you knew it was on.

I didn't think they could equal last week's, yet they crammed so much into this hour, and all of it was awesome. Back in the earliest episodes, Glaber was a wimpy little dick, dependent on his wife's daddy. Now he is a total badass who I kind of even like, or at least respect. His character development makes me miss