Biff Wonsley

It's a dog and pony show not worth paying attention to. Look at the last 12 years and ask yourself if it would've been any different if another man was president. Neo-liberals dominate the political landscape in this country. Party affiliation is irrelevant in these times of forced and unnecessary austerity. They buy

David Morrissey is a fine actor with a beautiful voice. Not quite Liev Schneider beautiful, but lovely nonetheless. And of course he was great in State of Play. Maybe he'll bring something to TWD that elevates it above "barely watchable most of the time," to "oh cool, I'll watch anything with David Morrissey in it."

*ding ding ding*
Dead Bob Hope
I think we have another good name for a band, not to mention a host.

Billy Crystal is really 400-years-old, surviving on the blood or stem cells or whatever of unborn babies, a la Christopher Reeves on South Park.

Only if he comes in his 5th Element character & blows up the place with those guns he booby-trapped in the movie.

The Academy is in reality comprised of every person on the planet aged 100 or over, yes? There's really no other explanation. They'd dig up Bob Hope to host if they could.

Probably should have kept my mouth shut, so to speak. In modern times, resistance movements, in any occupied country, have almost always been considered terrorists by the occupiers. These slaves in Spartacus: Vengeance are considered terrorists. An ancient/modern parallel. Romans = occupiers, slaves = resistance

Nuh-uh, I'm Spartacus.

Didn't the table fall over because an Observer came to snatch September? As in he materialized, grabbed S, then de-materialized so quickly they just didn't see him. He was just clumsy since he was in such a hurry and knocked over the table. S did say "they're coming."

Freedom fighters! But yeah, good observation. I'm trying to think of how to argue that you're wrong, but I can't. Substitute "occupied" for "slaves" & you have yourself a point.

That was fucking awesome. If there were doubts Liam Mc is Spartacus, view Libertus and see them banished.

I felt for Archer & the Gillette brother not being able to get on with the wife-swapping. This show has hotter women than any other on TV. I am not ashamed to say this, only disappointed Mr. Skin can't offer us any off-color stills of Archer's women. Well, I'm a little ashamed.

It'll be a bit later than that, non-developed world & their subsistence income and all.

I like you. I really like you!

I would like glasses that show me the Wicked musical. I really enjoyed that one.

(For the purposes of this comparison, Federal Marshals, disabled former DEA agents, and disgraced former strike team leaders are exempt, as is Andy Sipowicz)

Let's not get carried away now. The whole rooftop fight & the confrontation that followed is still the single best chunk of Southland. Count me as one who still misses Cooper & Sherman being together. But that one had to end, obviously, with Coop being a training cop.

Totally agree. RK has been let down badly so far this season. Reuben is her worst partner by far. He needs to get shot so we can all not feel sorry for him but rather be glad that he's gone. Bring back shotgun-wielding badass Lydia already.

While none too thrilled about the documentary device, with Cudlitz it hardly matters. He's just so damn good, so human, which made watching him struggle so excruciating. I skip the next episode preview for the stated reasons, so thanks for that.

They had to clear up that one bill Winona had in her hand during the bank robbery. Now it's blamed on Charlie & so there's nothing between Raylan & Art anymore, which I think is important. Their conversation was Art's way of making peace with Raylan & letting him know he's off the hook.