Biff Wonsley

Yeah, nice not to be bored silly for once, & I'm glad they destroyed the medallion. Focus on the people, not the toys. Also, Zylka's anvil-shaped chin kind of gets in the way of his otherwise pleasant enough visage. Cassie is finally becoming a character with some agency, not just a reactive whiner who can't make up

How exactly did Damon go off the rails tonight? He was saving Matt, so was perfectly justified. Esther seemed to understand this when later she voiced her disgust with her children ruining the evening.

Whatever problems we or Caroline have with Damon having abused Caroline for long must be tempered with the fact that Caroline becoming a vampire has to have given her a totally new perspective on these things. She maybe can forgive Damon because she now understands the impulse control problems that come with being a

You certainly all. Never trust a supernatural beast with impulse control problems (which is pretty much all of them.)

Caroline wins by a furlong.

Surely Elena will never get over how Elijah totally screwed her (Jenna's death) over. No matter how nicely Elijah plays now, he can ultimately never be trusted. He shifts alliances as it suits him. The only member of Team Elijah is Elijah.

Wait, aren't Matt & Alaric pretty much the only surviving humans we care about (well, maybe the off-screen Jeremy?) We need a few humans around, so surely they'll leave Matt be. And I can't see him as a vampire.

Yeah, but Elena also knows the consequences of crossing an original. Mommy was sure to find out if Elena had tipped of Elijah.

Yeah, there's something inherently yucky about watching people pretend to have sex. But the hasty brutality of the backdoor entry in this one was somewhat compelling. Ewww.

@avclub-d8654c92787c00bba781a8936b077cf4:disqus Regarding Rebekah being like a teenage girl with a mean streak, all the Original Kids, bar Elijah, are basically young teens with serious impulse control problems. I suppose this isn't surprising given that they're basically indestructible & so always get what they want.

I'm not one to care about grades, so my only comment is that I laughed out loud more at this episode than the previous three. So I probably would've rated it higher. So there.

Fair enough. In my mind, though, I imagine Real Emily finding the stash, chucking it all around the room, then running to a corner to collapse & cry in until Real Amanda shows up, comforts & calms her, then talks her into the next plan of action. Real Emily's essentially a young teenager with impulse control problems,

Ah, yes, Tyler couldn't have been driving the car. I do still believe Tyler roofied him, which led to the crash. I mean, apart from the crash, Danny's basically been a decent, if unremarkable, little boy. Doesn't seem like a drunk drive, crash & kill kind of guy. But then Laura Bush probably didn't either.

Emily's sister, Cassie from The Secret Circle, needs to help Emily channel her Dark Magic so she can regain control of the situation & murder Danny at Fire & Ice. Emily would actually know what to do with her Dark Magic. Plus they both have Daddy issues & could support each other in their respective hours of need.

Nolan stealing the box would be veeeeeery interesting, but judging by the previews it would blow up in his face incredibly badly. He's smart enough to know nothing good could come from it, & and wouldn't take the chance of getting his hands that dirty. But it would be awesome if he did.

As I said above, I just don't think Fake Amanda is smart enough to pull something like this off. She's too impulsive to think something like this through. If something like this crossed her mind, she would just show up at the party & screw things up. It doesn't fit her character to have a plan. Emily has always

Connie had 2 great scenes tonight, one with Ashley & one with Charlotte. Personally, I didn't think the actor had it in him & was glad to be proved wrong.

I kind of think Real Emily Thorne isn't bright enough to mastermind such a devious plot. My hedged bets are on Tyler, Ashley or…Jack.

That moment at the end was when I realized this show had turned the corner from delightful fun to seriously excellent, chance-to-be great tv.

Glad someone else caught that. She almost couldn't help herself, such was the frisson of delight shivering through her cold, cold heart.