Biff Wonsley

Let the Misfits backlash begin!

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus  Ah, good to know. Thank you, sir.

@avclub-7cf8d5b2bafa3bd7fb4ea254febf6308:disqus  Rory looked disturbingly like Adrien Brody in his short cameo last night. Though maybe that's just because I watched Splice the night before.

@avclub-b5995e81c98938b8d9911ab09abdeaf7:disqus  It's not Murray Gold's fault that the BBC turns up his music to 11. But then I think that's only a problem for people watching via TV speakers. I never have that problem with my multi-speaker stereo setup. Anyway, Gold's themes for Smith's Doctor (so exciting!) and

@avclub-4e41a8252951e256098286926a99d012:disqus  You pretty much nailed it. I loved Tennant, but now in comparison to Smith/Moffat Tennant's seems lightweight & sometimes unserious. Though that's probably much more to do with Davies' overly mawkish & often preposterous stories.

Go back & watch him in The Last Enemy. I saw him in that in 2008 & thought the same thing as you.

As someone pointed out to me elsewhere here, dad wasn't actually ever dead. Mom saved him & the time vortex deposited him back home. If she thinks about it enough, Mom will realize this.

OK, so he went through a time vortex. Who's to say everything happened in order. Maybe the time vortex already had him going through debriefing, etc., getting his injured colleague treatment, whatever, then deposited him in dress blues in front of the house? Since everything was jumbled up he wouldn't remember or

Thanks for the explanation. In my dimwittedness I didn't consider the idea that he never actually died. In retrospect it seems perfectly obvious, and more than a little odd that I'd somehow attribute the ability to bring people back from the dead to The Doctor.

Ahh, yes the pretty one. Also the communist. She is lovely.

Didn't earn it? The mom went through all kinds of grief thinking her husband was dead, and was in the process of telling her children that their father was dead. I'd call that earning it.

My wife is out of town so I got to cry as much as I want. I'll try to keep it in check when she gets back, but it's not going to be easy.

Strangely it would've been better if dad had stayed dead. Nevertheless doctor who christmas specials always make me cry and I loved just about every minute of it. Matt Smith's Doctor's theme music is about my favorite in all of television. And goddamn, Amy Pond is just lovely.

What, no Downton Abbey? Must not be airing in the US. Find a way to watch it, advanced reviews say it's gonna be great!

We can probably agree that Chuck has suffered badly from being forced to improvise since S2, never knowing when the plug might be pulled. @avclub-27cde6928ef047b99226b11bdd156c8e:disqus  you are so right. S2 wouldn't be a lone gem if S3 or S4 were given X amount of episodes up front & they'd been able to give those

I mean, you know, unless you're talking about the equipment used to record the show, not broadcast. If that's the case then never mind.

Wrong. Lost was the first HD show I watched on my first HDTV, straight from the then-unencrypted ABC C-band satellite feed. The picture was just about perfect, not the watered-down, crime-against-resolution, muddy mess they try to pass off as HD these days.

I actually liked season 6. It was familiar characters doing different things. A whole new show! How cool is that?

Lost was the first show I watched on my first ever hd tv. It was spectacularly awesome, & The Constant was the high point for me. It's the only episode I've watched more than once. It could've been an episode of the twilight zone, just 1 self contained story.

Did we read the same review? In what way does your take differ?