Biff Wonsley

Red Riding — that's it. Thank you.

Hey come on, man. Their relationship was Shakespeare wrapped in Greek tragedy. That's got to be hard on a kid.

If Lucas was so upset that Dr. Evil shot a harmless dinosaur, maybe he could've said something *before* he took the shot? Just sayin'.

Re: referring to their employers as "our employer," as Archer might say, do you not?

There were about a dozen perfectly good opportunities to kill Lucas, so naturally none of them were taken.

I'd say watch it for the laughs, stay for the face-palming and, seeing as how you've watched it up to now, you might as well. Just brace yourself for more overwrought ridiculous scenery-chewing from Lucas the Laughably Stupid Cartoon Villain (inexplicably put in charge of the operation by some multinational behemoth,)

Goddammit. I thought it was ridiculous when my wife said "Bermuda Triangle." And yet she is not alone. Surely not, Terra Nova. Surely not.

I admire your restraint, Mr. Kaiser, and your generosity of spirit this holiday season. B minus for this steaming pile shows you have truly embraced the festive spirit. I always enjoy your reviews, but in this case you would've done well to stop at "what the fuck?"

Mr. Tubbs - I think the VP having her guts all over him was probably acknowledgement enough. He didn't seem terribly pleased about that.

I saw him in an Irish-language film (ok, a bit on YouTube.) Hard to tell just what kind of career he's looking to have. Also saw him (literally) sucking cock on a really good English drama the name of which escapes me. West Country maybe?

They take pleasure in building up something (early Misfits) then tearing it apart once it's reached its apex. They (media) especially love doing it to people. Plus on TV you can't ever have anything that's too American. But then everything British/English is provincial, cheap & derivative, especially compared to the

I thought of Stauff, too, and started worrying that Brody's going to fuck it up, just like our favorite Nazi did.

Are you trying to make me cry?

I totally forgot about Saul's mole comment. The CIA may think there's a mole but that doesn't mean we should. And taking into account your last paragraph it seems pretty obvious now that there wasn't a mole. Another dead end for the agency to run into.

There doesn't need to be a mole. Sure, it looks like Nazir has some inside info, but surely it can't be that hard to come to the conclusion that, with one congressman on the outs for showing his dick to Twitter, that his natural replacement would be a war hero. This would've been on TMZ, or the Washington Post gossip

Not out of character, no. She knew she'd been ill for years, but she finally hit rock bottom. She lost her job, her life, her life's work. So there's no longer any reason for her to hide her illness nor pretend it's manageable.

Glad I'm not the only one who was hoping for an explosion.

I was hoping beyond hope he'd pull the trigger/flick the switch. That would've been awesome (apart from the dead people.) I'd be more than happy to watch a show that deals with the fallout at the CIA from everyone being wrong beyond belief due to their arrogance & stupidity. But then a show like that catering to a

I commend your commitment, but I'm sure you know there are cheaper ways to watch Homeland which don't involve FIOS.

Am I a bad person for wanting him to explode everyone? I know it would've pretty much ended the show, but you never see a good show do something quite that dark & world-changing. I'm definitely looking forward to next season, but part of me wishes they had to write themselves out of a suicide bomber taking out the VP