Biff Wonsley

Yes, our esteemed reviewer does refer to her as the Fair-haired Maiden of the West, and it is indeed hilarious.

I watched the whole first season & thought that was all the story that needed telling. I tried the second season anyway, then Jaime Murray showed up and I was outta there. God she's annoying.

Hat made her look unserious. That & gum/quitting smoking screamed "I'm a CHARACTER! I'm quirky!"Gimme a story showing how that happened. The first few eps should've shown how she ended up at that precinct. Instead it was just conflict & quirkiness right off the bat, a fully-formed character, but we don't know how she

I'm repeating myself from a comment above, nevertheless…we were given plenty of evidence that Brody was experiencing some serious inner conflict. It's not a twist out of nowhere since, in retrospect, we can read his actions as evidence that he had turned, or at least evidence that it was not at all clear that he

We were given plenty of evidence that Brody is a man with some intense inner conflict going on, and it shouldn't have been a surprise that he turned. He converted to Islam. He initially lied to the CIA, and continued lying to Carrie on their weekend out. He shot a deer in his back yard during a party at his house. He

I have no quarrel with your thoughtful comment, apart from any reference to real life. Boss clearly is not interested in verisimilitude. This might as well be a graphic novel with quasi-soliloquies. It takes believable archetypes & ratchets them up to caricatures. And with Kane's latest satanic betrayal of his

Sophia lives!!

I quit watching after 2 eps, the sexism was so cartoonish. As is the fedora. Probably shouldn't have called it Prime Suspect. It bears zero relation to the original, but might have been tolerable as a generic procedural. Except Bello had to imbue her character with silly quirks that just came off as gratuitous. Won't

Anson Mount is super hunky even to my straight eyes, & the Fair-haired Maiden of the West is lovely. I'm watching for those two. The story ain't terrible. And it's better than OUaT or Pan Am, or The Simpsons or The Stupid Cleveland Show.

This was a lot of fun. I watched it when it originally aired. Later I saw Inception & kept thinking how the fuck do I know this guy? KW is good here, better than in The Shadow Line, which is well worth watching regardless.

Is this where I vote for American Idol?

What's not to like?

Add me to the list of shocked. 20 fucking years? Jesus christ.

I hope you're wrong. The lovely Mrs. Kane is far & away my favorite character. And the only one left I don't hate.

Emma's not long for this world. If he'll throw her under the bus that easily, he shouldn't have any problem killing her. Plus this show keeps trying to top itself by doing something more shocking each week. Then again, some shows these days like to do their craziest shit in the penultimate episode. Still & all, I

The best thing about this show is the absence of politics, either in the jokes or the interviews. I can't watch TDS anymore. The country's fucked up, I get it. And no stupid Obama jokes like Letterman or Leno or elsewhere (my politics are far to the left of liberal.) Just a good, often weird, time, if you like this


Get off my lawn!

No. I'd like to chime in & ask that all you dirty hipsters stay away from my town next March. Downtown is crowded enough without an extra 5000 people dressed in black wearing dark sunglasses. You annoy me. Piss off & go away.

And here I was thinking Dawes was a guy.