@socket7: Jeebus you charge that much to immediate family!?
@socket7: Jeebus you charge that much to immediate family!?
@anitesh.jaswal: I'm with you on that. I turned on Black Ops since 3 weeks ago and played a team death match game to kill some time. Ended up going 34 and 3. Next game I say to my self "I'm the shit, I'm going to try and go for more" and I ended up with 11 and 8... WTF.
he looks like the guy who ended up with the stolen Mac Pro from Defcon 18.
@Derfel: So how did they actually manage to get out of contract?
@muzicman82: I have to think it's only with certain individuals. The most calls I've dropped are 2 per month, if any. I've gone 3 months now without a dropped call. AT&T can suck for some, just like any carrier can suck for some.
@xxdesmus: They need to make a guide on how to use crappy data speeds to get out of a contract. That is indeed pathetic.
If Verizon ends up getting the white iPhone, all hell will break loose.
@Metro Charts. VP of Vice: don't worry. Thanks to the lovely system in place he'll do a few months with good behaviour and back on the street he goes!
@Ron Goodrich: I don't know why they just can't use peoples Social Security Number as their ID. One less piece of information to worry about loosing or getting stolen.
@boobsandbacon: I found something online from a few months back
@Elliuotatar: I guess I'm just so used to having a data phone that I didn't even think about other options.
@plinkoblinko: Heroin addiction is nothing new, of course, but the hook with tonight's segment was that modern-day needles are so well designed that they may be even more addictive than ever before.
@commander_k: Whoa... One of the features I take for granted is using my Tom Tom application while I'm on the phone (bluetooth of course).
@CaptainJack: You would figure any techie would love the new slots.
@jglavin: I hear yah, when the new data plans were introduced I called them to downgrade to 2 gigs. A month later I called and stayed on the phone for about 2 hours to get my unlimited data plan. That phone bill wasn't pretty... I think I used 6 gigs of data.
@jRiz: I completely forgot about that crappy Verizon restriction. They will probably allow data and voice because I'm sure AT&T will crap on their parade if not.
@mountaingnome: If you haven't upgraded since iPhone gen 1, might as well wait to upgrade to iPhone 5 or switch to Verizon.
@Elliuotatar: Maybe he received a written notice (letter).
@PaddyDugan: If Verizon would allow that, they might get me to ditch AT&T.
@Elliuotatar: If you haven't been using iOS nor Android... what have you been using? Anything else that I've used is just tedious.