
Any car with two temp dials is a key ingredient to lasting bliss...

Why is this 4 year old thread trending?

I’ll bet it can be done substantially quicker than 42 seconds...once.  

All the hydraulics, brah

This is the beast of my dreams, a USMC ret. Unimog w/ front end loader and backhoe. Often found on Govliq for >$5k

I think if it were intended for London 2025, they’d have put the steering wheel on the right side of the car.

That’s it for the new cars

I think you all missed the point. This will DD, baby, and impress in every harbor in the world. I give you the Sunreef Supreme 68. Yes, there’s a garage for your toys- and yes, there’s a hot tub on the bow, and yes, the salon opens on 3 sides so all may witness the magnitude of your fortune.

Hey Tom- literally my post from Wednesday on Audi having duped VINs:

My 1st thought was that Audi did this so I could get tags in US for my RS6 avant I buying after I win the powerball tonight.

Problem #2; marketing- I didn’t know the diesel Equinox was a thing. No closer to buying one, but had no idea it was available. Make a damned turbodiesel Yukon/Tahoe GM!

I unfairly hate the car because 90% of its drivers’ are utter twats and shit drivers.

Not Weird, SOP to many. I (and most of my male kin)make the switch to brown after the 1st frost and back at to clear at Easter.

As a pre-50 Gen-x mid-life crisis ADV rider, there isn’t a Harley currently made that appeals to me in terms of the kind of riding I do. And none of them are ‘entry level’ in terms of price or size. Build a sub 500c.c. scrambler on the reasonable end and start moving units.

Annual ridership of 2.7 BILLION and DeBlasio can’t figure out how to raise money for repairs beyond taxing the rich...

Before you get all shouty, burger pros toast their buns-

Came to say Saab 9000 aero, for same reason.

If think it’s uncomfortable (and dangerous) on the highway- wait until you sleep in it! Get a Sportsmobile if you’re in this market- better in every way save sentiment, unless you’re sentimental for E series Ford vans...and really, who isn’t?

You forgot the best one...