
But they didn’t qualify their discomfort as a reason to ban abortion? They said they were uncomfortable with it but believed in a woman’s right to choose. What you’re saying is absolutely true, but it’s not being directed to the right person.

Well the kid was abused. I’m not going to victim blame him for reacting that way.

Black and gay here and that’s not what he or she did, and why did you not have an issue with the vietnamese example that was brought up before this one?

I couldn’t edit my other post but I wanted to add the following:

Even if she thinks being LBGT is explicitly a choice, she’s still saying that that choice shouldn’t affect how people treat you. It may not be a perfect assessment, but I don’t think it’s worthy of condemnation either.

Not trying to troll, butI’m confused by your comment.

I dunno, they’re both inherent characteristics that people can’t change and that garner a lot of hate from the profoundly stupid. They’re certainly not the same, but analogous? In some ways yes.

Oh my god! A celebrity has their own opinions but knows how to be respectful to people she doesnt agree with!? how crazy is that!?

I disagree. Sometimes, you don’t realize how toxic a person was for you until you get some time and distance. 25 years ago, one of my best friends and I had a massive falling out. She cut contact with me - because SHE had done something awful and then she got upset that I dared to be angry about the thing she did.

Or nah.

This is pretty victim blamey.

It’s not just the video. Do you see how busy that bus is? Not everyone on it was involved in the assault. The police officers interviewed several bystanders, who all said that the black women were the ones who initiated the assault. Now, don’t get me wrong, you can go ahead and believe that everybody lied if you want,

Jezebel does not seem to have a troll patrol forum but desperately needs one. Can someone do anything about this torture porn you’ve put up?

Regardless of what anyone SAID, physical violence isn’t justified. Isn’t that what everyone is taught today starting in kindergarten?

Not everybody can or has to be everything. She is a writer and comedian. She is not and has never claimed to be an activist or organizer of any sort.

And she must speak for ALL women, be they cis, transgender, of colour, disabled, rich, poor, etc, etc. If she doesn’t, she’s a racist white feminist MONSTER and we should send her straight to the guillotine along with every other privileged monster out there.

100000000000000% this. You have to right on every issue at all times, or else all your opinions and thoughts are null and void.

She could. Also it would be cool if she didn’t have to be the perfect champion of everything progressive because she’s one of a small handful of women making it in comedy.