Why are you treating this as a competing issue instead of part of the existing one?
Why are you treating this as a competing issue instead of part of the existing one?
Biology and a dictionary would beg to differ.
Go re-read the comments. I’m disgusting and self-indulgent, according to the self-professed smug vegetarians here. And that doesn’t even include the comments that are clear judgement but don’t have any outright insults in them.
I think the important thing in this comment section is that the vegetarians/vegans found a way to make sweeping, nasty insults towards everyone else while feeling like a superior human specimen.
Abstaining from sex with clients is a solid idea for any therapist tbh
It’s nonsense. You could say he wasn’t funny - sure, but how the hell is simply stating that someone called Bruce is now called Katelyn offensive? He never even used the word “he”.
Why are we even talking about this? This is supposed to be a feminist website and they haven’t even covered the story about the massive…
He also doesn’t get the idea that comedy is about punching up not punching down.
That whole “punching up not down” thing is fucking bullshit. Besides, these people are entertainment elites, all you can do is “punch up” to them.
Excuse me, but comedy is not “about” any one thing. Lots of great comedy comes from people who take a superior air, mocking what they see as the idiocy of the masses. Some good comedy is mean. Some good comedy isn’t punching at all.
The poster you replied to is simply lying. Slurs? Wrong pronouns? That is such bullshit.
Caitlyn jenner is a rich white republican who got away with murder, how is mocking her not punching up. Hell by your logic Jon Stewart punched down his entire career because he made more and influenced more people in one year on tv than the politicans he mocked did in a lifetime
The problem is that a comedian should not host the golden globes. No one can take a joke. Everyone wants him to be simultaneously more funny and less offensive. We should see if we can get that north korean reporter in the pink to just read the results for you people.
Exactly. It was more shaming him for his preference in the type of women he attacks than a jab at women with boob jobs.
I don’t get it either. They are calling out this *alleged rapist* for being just that. Where is the slut shaming? This dude raped women and they are calling him out for it. From my prospective the boob implant comment was shamming him and his ridiculousness. He looks at women as objects and not as human beings.
if this in anyway embarrasses the real victims then I feel for them... but if this in any even a little way makes Ben feel like a victim or shameful or gives him a twinge of remorse (I’d hope for more, but I’m realistic) then PLAY ON!
Except for the whole boob job thing, this seems less like a joke to me and more a shaming tactic. After all, mockery and laughter can be effective tools when all else has failed.
Wait, you guys are against that? Because it sounds like good advice to me. Like the news from John Stewart, sure it makes you laugh, but he’s also giving good advice.
Everyone I know who was raised with an extremely restricted diet has an unhealthy and obsessive relationship with food. Nothing wrong with moderation.
I thought so too. She’s basically saying “I’ve accomplished so much professionally and this kid wants me to parent him too?!”
The iPhone is one thing, but the crazy diet really isn’t good. For one there’s so many cases where that sort of intense food control turns out to be really mentally unhealthy. For another, banning all fun/unhealthy food isn’t actually teaching your kids about moderation and making good choices.