
I’m guessing that 80% of the people who knew who he was at all were just thinking “Wait, so this happens before Phantom Menace? I don’t understand the timeline of this at all.

As was pointed out, Trihard gets used in the most racist awful ways...but the white streamer who gets big numbers and doesn’t like the way their emotes are used...Twitch fixes THAT right away.

As someone who never got into twitch and streaming and have no clue who all these people are, this whole situation, and the clip at the end in particular, just feels like grown ass men behaving like schoolkids.

Here’s my Bayesian hot take: musical biopics are bad, so this movie will be bad.

They are suing reporters instead of fixing their own culture. I was looking forward to this game too. Hard pass now

I’m pretty sure the real high points of his life involve his wife and all the money and time he spends with her. Don’t forget the dude is loaded. Video games are just a fun hobby and he has fun being the heel of scoring controversies.

Now playing

Dawngate! I will never forgive EA for killing it (and the studio that made it). They said it wasn’t bringing in the numbers they wanted, It was still in beta! What the hell did they expect!?

It also had the best lore ever made for a MOBA at the time. The comics were amazing!

I liked how during Hickman avenger’s run, part of the premise was that Tony had expanded the avengers to this huge group that would easily be able to handle any threat (so he and his buddies could focus on destroying earths), and there were still somehow like 4 other avengers teams.

Blizzard should just scrap OWL at this point tbh. Literally every week we find out another player is a garbage human being, clearly there is either something wrong with their screening process or something wrong with the general population of OW players.

Good grief it’s like you actually thought, “What would be the least appropriate comment for this article about Molly Ringwald coming to terms with John Hughes’ sometimes-gross treatment of femininity,” and then wrote that. You couldn’t take the extra half second to scan the article before commenting some

Ouch, my eyes hurt from rolling them so hard.

Every time Elon Musk is mentioned, it is somebody’s obligation to point out that he’s a pretty obvious candidate to be a real life Bond villain. He’s adored by masses of people who don’t recognize how fucking sinister he is.

Ugh, Kevin Smith is the fucking worst.

Well, Ron Howard has been doing this shit his entire life, so I can imagine he’d able to bring a sense of calm and purpose to the set. But, if the script is meh there’s only so much he can do with that, obviously...unless he inserts a few pages from old Happy Days scripts. If the guy playing Solo starts saying,

“If you’re an A.V. Club reader, you probably share our general cynicism for promotional nonsense.”


An honest headline would read like this:

Why are you promoting an ad?

I really wish this headline had emphasized that this was a commercial. But then again, the new AVClub is all about clickbait.

This would make a lot more sense if Greg Koch didn’t pay some PR firm to do a big video production about this and then claim it’s not about publicity. He comes off slightly unstable, largely douchey. While I understand the general need to protect your marks, Koch didn’t do Stone any favors here. Coupled with that $89

What does it say about gaming culture that two of the biggest ‘stars’ of the amateur scene are famous for being complete pricks to their viewers, their team, and their opponents?