His first title, out later this week, is the result of a partnership with Pewdiepie, the
YouTuberracist motherfucker who helped turn Goat Simulator into such a big deal in the first place.
His first title, out later this week, is the result of a partnership with Pewdiepie, the
YouTuberracist motherfucker who helped turn Goat Simulator into such a big deal in the first place.
Bookmark it and watch it later!
Well, no, it’s actually because it’s an eleven-minute video of Original Content which hinges on an increasingly elaborate joke / delivery / tone. If I were to summarize it in a paragraph of text it would sound idiotic. The execution is like 99% of the thing.
You’re right but it’s also possible to be right in the most unfunny preachy assholish way possible as this strip demonstrates.
Agree with the sentiment that this was Penny Arcade’s loss.jpg. Reminds me of Jon Stewart’s Amercia: The Book parody of conservative comic strip, Mallard Fillmore, where the last panel goes “Oops...I forgot to tell a joke”.
Well, the Penny Arcade guys haven’t exposed themselves to any minors as far as I’m aware, so I wouldn’t say FULL Tim Buckley.
But, seriously, even though this strip is absolutely, 100% bona fide garbage, that doesn’t immediately mean PA is the worst. I’d say it’s consistently C+ material, which is better than most…
I wish you’d stop re-introducing me to Life in Aggro because its layouts make my face hurt.
That Penny Arcade comic sure is something, huh? Thanks for using the dynamic, limitless canvass of comics to directly inform us that you are upset about a Star Wars game.
“ both Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski remain members in good standing of the group” So... this is a pretty toothless statement then. Seems status quo to me.
Whoa whoa. You’re telling me that white people in charge of young black men and also profit massively from these black men’s talents would change the rules and not say anything? And then use the revised rule as a way of punishing said black men for going against the wishes of their white employers? In America?
I once went on a date with a guy i met online who asked me if i had a dog. I did not (though love animals) and then he went into this thing about how he can’t trust a dog person. He said if you have this overwhelming urge to gain control an otherwise free animal, chain it up or walk around with it on a leash - he…
Hey everybody who was cheering Peter Thiel on against Gawker: Congratulations! This is exactly what you wanted! Weinstein even hired Theil’s lawyers! Betcha can’t wait until that sleazy New York Times finally gets what’s coming to it for *squints at index card* reporting on matters of public interest.
Annnnd Katie Rife again. Did they hire you direct from Gawker? Is that why you cradle the Gawker-balls so hard? Because you absolutely insinuate that a fucking Gawker Blind Item is anything to be taken with merit. Which is wildly irresponsible and just shy of fucking retarded (and being autistic, i reserve the right…
On the downside, should Abrams take the job, it does mean that Kennedy has once again whiffed on bringing a woman and/or person of color on board to direct a Star Wars movie.
There’s absolutely nothing Scary about what the Firewatch devs have done. This isn’t “we’re gonna randomly and unexpectedly take down your shit if we don’t like you or your politics!”
I only consider something a craft beer if it’s been produced in a toilet, by 2 small children, using reclaimed water, and hops picked individually from every continent, including hydroponically grown ones in Antarctica. And I mean individually, each flower picked by a different person, at a different location.
AV Club writes an article detailing a Buzzfeed Gif article. AV Club has officially gone to dogshite. I’m out, friends
Jim Halpert was never a feminist.
Without going into detail, I can attest from firsthand knowledge that Salvation Army are a bunch of crooks.