
Oh yeah I'm definitely rooting for him to kick all kinds of ass with them, dude is seriously talented. And he gave us a hell of a season last year so can't complain too much.

I miss Bortles :(

God fucking damn it this really sucks. RIP

I think they should definitely do the trade, but I can understand the reluctance to give up Wiggins.

Yahoo? Fucking awesome! Talk about down to the wire, holy shit.

Well shit. Todd's Community reviews were the reason I ended
up on this site in the first place. Congratulations and good luck on the new
gig, but goddamn I’m going to miss your work here.

So far it's looking unlikely that Hulu will pick up Community, but talks are continuing.

Next episode is going to be PACKED.

I'm assuming this reply was for someone else, but yeah you're right. Apparently LeBron even wanted to come back in with 3:30 to go but Spoelstra made the (wise) decision to keep him out. I don't think he deserves much blame for this one.

Can't wait for all the hilariously horrible heat puns in the headlines tomorrow

Shame Lebron had to come out early though, would have been more fun at the end there. Good game regardless.

1. Sorcerer's Stone
2. Chamber of Secrets
3. Azkaban
4. Deathly Hallows Part 1
5. Goblet of Fire
6. Order of the Phoenix
7. Half-Blood Prince
8. Deathly Hallows Part 2

Fuck. Yes. Best performances yet for some of those actors/actresses.

Wow! Well much like the return of Dan Harmon story last year, I'm gonna stay very cautiously optimistic about this.

Nah it did look kind of misleading. It's not like him taking over is out of the question or anything

Yeah, you're probably right. Fixed

Looks like Joel is not in talks to take over the Late Late Show just yet

Does it mean hit the hand with the ball or either of his hands? It looked the ball went off Jackson's right hand just after Barnes hit his left.

That's true, no excuse for blowing that big of a lead. Chris Paul definitely shouldn't have been that close to Westbrook on that three, and wtf was up with that last play? Double big time fuck up. Ugly, ugly end to that game.

Some of the worst officiating I have ever seen, my god.