
@KamWrex: Not entirely. I discovered that use of my Discover card and billing purchases to my T-Mobile account is limited to apps sold in US Dollars. If the price is listed in Yen, Euros, etc. then I can't buy it with that card. Had to attach a different one for those purchases.

@butaneko: Man, s/he is creepy. Too much lemon juice.

If I were to buy this in the hope of a future iPod Touch with a camera and Apple pulls it before then, it'll probably not work with it if they can't update it, right? I'm trying to decide if it's worth it on a chance, and it probably isn't.

Shame it's a fake. It's not actually tracking your movements, you can see the girl at the end moving her arms in a completely different fashion from the screen.

@NuevoLeon: Yep, at the end of the month, usually.

@imTheKing: What is funny about that? Just like any proper computer, you don't like the software? Replace it. Download Firefox, or Chrome, or Opera. Heck, download Safari if you want.

This is entirely unnecessary. Why, after installing my Samsung HDD for the second time it failed within five minutes all on it's own!

Seems like something GlaDOS might use to her advantage. Except that the bags would be filled with a deadly neurotoxin that she uses to flood enrichment centers.

@John: Oh wow, please don't tell me that's an actual frame from some Mega Man cartoon?

@gstatty: Is this why my phone suddenly decided that it would like nothing more than to have a completely dead battery? :(

@Ouisch: Oh, didn't know that. Thanks. Maybe by the time I can sync my replacement iPod up they'll finally have one that works completely available.

I'm so disappointed that I misread being able to use the noises this guy makes for notifications. Would have bought the app for my iPod just to make sounds for my Android phone. :P

I can't wait for the day everyone goes blind from the overpowered neon lights pouring out of their computers and all this nonsense stops with the LEDs.

@gifpaste: "I like this one, and this one... oh, this one is so very pretty! It has hearts!"

@talks2wall: The Blu-ray and iOS versions are great (when they work, Dragon's Lair for iOS 4.0 is broken.) The scenes join up properly, and there isn't any weird jerkyness.

@beanspeppin: What? That's just Dragon's Lair 2 with MS Paint style animation. I would be surprised if they hadn't traced over the already existing animation frames from that game.

@Mad-Hobo: Actually that's about $2000+ when you take into account the full two year contract and required data. Still though, no one will buy an iPhone for this. They'll buy this for an iPhone or iPod Touch that they already own. Kind of obvious. No ones going to buy a Wii for it's version either. Same with a Blu-ray