Yeah, it’s AJ’s. Do you research, Shannon!
Yeah, it’s AJ’s. Do you research, Shannon!
No Spencer Gifts = not a mall
No Spencer Gifts = not a mall
“Price is determined by what the market will bear.”
“....wife of the former president of the local police union...”
cuz of Musk, who makes Teslas
The law doesn’t give a damn. If you did it, you did it.
As long as they lock that wet turd in a cage, I don’t care what people believe.
With the added bonus of a population at large with less content knowledge, and fewer critical thinking skills! Yay!
No kit car is work $8k.
I’m sure all the Fox announcers and their rabid guests will pursue retractions with as much frothy enthusiasm as they first reported it.
Has anyone tried having a discussion with these walking dead, Fox/OAN-watching true believers? I swear to God, they cannot think, reason, or even perceive facts or logical thinking. It is like speaking to someone who’s intoxicated.
People are saying.
There’s a reason Chevy doesn’t make the Celebrity anymore.
Hey, man!