
Yeah, it’s AJ’s. Do you research, Shannon!

No Spencer Gifts = not a mall

No Spencer Gifts = not a mall

Price is determined by what the market will bear.”

“....wife of the former president of the local police union...”

cuz of Musk, who makes Teslas

The law doesn’t give a damn. If you did it, you did it.

As long as they lock that wet turd in a cage, I don’t care what people believe.

With the added bonus of a population at large with less content knowledge, and fewer critical thinking skills! Yay!


No kit car is work $8k.

To be fair to the Wolfsburg, Germany company, these past several years have shown that the stupidity and gullibility of the American public reaches hitherto unimaginable depths; so much so that one can hardly blame VW for wishing to explore them.

I’m sure all the Fox announcers and their rabid guests will pursue retractions with as much frothy enthusiasm as they first reported it.

Has anyone tried having a discussion with these walking dead, Fox/OAN-watching true believers? I swear to God, they cannot think, reason, or even perceive facts or logical thinking. It is like speaking to someone who’s intoxicated.

People are saying.


There’s a reason Chevy doesn’t make the Celebrity anymore.


Hey, man!

This looks pretty chill.