
There’s literally no creativity left in production circles these days. Everyfuckingthing is an adaptation of something familiar, a remake, a prequel, a spinoff, or some Lifetime-esque “take” on some bullshit. I need a cup of coffee.

but can’twin when it counts.

Shouldn’t Homer Drew Magary be chiming in on this?

and as everyone knows, musicals are the best source of objective, historical data, and of insightful historical analysis.

President John Adams, Jesus Christ, Audie Murphy.

You know, it’s one thing to be the most dangerous, out-of-control man. But to be Florida’s most dangerous, out-of-control man, that’s saying something!

Um, yeah, 30 thousand bucks. 

So not a damn thing about the whuppin’ the Packers put on Dallas, in Dallas, yesterday?

Well deserving of the 2019 Julian Steady Beverage Award!

It is also important to remember that the Kurds were, from the beginning of the campaign against ISIS, very effective. When the U.S. involved JSCOC forces and the U.S. Air Force, along with others, the Kurds gained the upper hand; and, by 2017, had all but defeated ISIS.

Chuck Todd put on a clinic for all other journalists, on how to handle an evasive windbag, who just wants to use the interview as a means to grandstand points with Donny Boy.

Palm Beach County

Trump has not done a good job brushing away any norms. Not for me.

Of all the potential candidates for the job; Derek motherfuckin’ Fisher.

How the next few months unfold will be critical to our nation’s existence.Not only our institutions & laws for which so many have died, but also the very idea of “America,” of “The United States.”To paraphrase John Adams, we will see whether “we are a nation of laws, not of men.”

Thousands of police officers, soldiers, marines, et al work 14+ hour shifts, and they don’t walk into the wrong place and immediately shoot and kill the person they see.