
It applies to all black letter law.

If I’m happy about anything, it’s getting a glimpse at America’s true depth of stupidity.

The oaths vary; but, if you swear to uphold the Constitution, then you will uphold what it states.

Ultimately, when taking the oath to become a peace officer, you swear to uphold the law. You don’t get to pick and choose. So, again, I will state:

Cycling is dead, thank to doping and other juicing.

I should point out that the term, “LOSER CONFEDERATES” is redundant.

I grew up in a working class neighborhood in St. Paul, Minnesota. A wealthy friend (“Kathy”) of my mom’s was over to visit, but her plane landed when Mom had to work. I had just gotten my license, so Mom asked me to pick her friend up at the airport. I should mention this was 1979.

Another reason I’m a Diamondbacks fan.

She’s a slave to those beauty shop eyelashes.

Stay with me here.


It’s 50 cents/lb, at most. About 3 cents/ounce. So that packet, packaging notwithstanding, is about 1.5 cents each.

I asked 14 million people I know if they would pay 99 cents for flakes or cheese packets. They all said,No, no I wouldn’t.”

My opinion about mid-engine 2+2s’ is that they are fucking awesome.

Oh my fucking God this just gets better.

We had an SL2 for years. Put 132k miles on it and never had a problem. Got a decent trade-in for it, too.

Leave Florida.