Everything with a Volvo looks that good. Even parking.
Initially meant for rainy or really wet track, to see the car through the water, it has been extended to conditions where the car is notably slower: pit lane entry and exit, and through corners when harvesting energy for ERS.
For real distance creation, use this instead of the noodle:
Hi David, very nice piece you wrote here. Any word on the electronics and software side ? I saw some time ago a similar company (not in automotive) grind down the chips and eproms layer by layer to expose their internal organization, and the managing software is also probably very difficult to unlock...
Wrenchers know that exposing whatever to brake fluid is not ending well for the whatever. Save the money of the iPhone 7 for better tools, and use a very simple protection:
Harman Kardon HK395:
Harman Kardon HK395:
Phones do not necessarily need to get thinner; this gained space could be used for battery, stronger antenna, better optics...
On my driving school’s car, I remember the reverse would not engage if not coming from 1st gear (there was some lock preventing it). It was a BMW 316 compact. Not sure if it was by design or by wear.
To call “Neon” a car that never shined... what a vaporware.
Someone probably asked, but since it’s buried under 535 other replies... Is there any serious long-term study comparing homeschooling to the classic methods ? I mean, independently from our beliefs and levels of sensitivity to children, are these kids better humans, and in which ways ? Are these drawbacks down the…
“What you might not know is how it will rightly smash your organs into dust when you hit the go pedal in anger, because holy hell, is it fast.”
And yet, not even #1 in ignorance. Failing at everything.
And yet, Switzerland is not part of EU.
And, as we (as family) will be doing the exact same thing in USA’s east coast, I can only appreciate how spot-on this is.
Having owned and/or driven most of them (AX, BX, XM, Saxo), trust me, you would do AND die... happy.
Small story: coming back from South Italy in a dark blue BX GTI (yep, that existed, google it), around Milan, the STOP IMMEDIATELY YOU FOOL lamp on the dashboard appears... Refusing to test the italian mechanical skills…
I feel for you (there, a star !). Keep trying on the 911, that’s how you form serious good taste for a life time :)
I remember it was a tad cumbersome in the Saxo 16V...
“While the XC60 wasn’t my first choice, it wasn’t a bad one.”
Weird thread where dads compare and brag about child seats.... Useful and all fun, but definitely weird.
I think 2 car lengths is not enough, even less so when the car in front has blue lights on the roof. No math, just plain logic.