Daffodils! Daffodils!

who are these women who can go a whole week and save their blowout? do they not workout? if they workout, do they not sweat? do they not sleep wrong and wake up with the cowlick? how do they go outside in the summer and not turn into a damp rag?

Because he is a dick. The women whose images he used, at least, cannot publicly come out and say they are upset by it because Kanye can then whine about how unfair it is and they don’t understand his art and women just bring him down and all that bullshit. Even if Anna tries to ice him out, even people in private in

Yeah, this is sexual assault by video. Especially given how revolted everyone is when this is done to a passed out 15 year old girl at a party who was raped off camera, but here Kanye wants to pass it off as “art”.

There is no way Anna Wintour gave permission for this. Absolutely no way.

Also mysogynist as fuck to have all the women be topless. I don’t know where Rihanna or Caitlyn stands on it, but there’s a very revenge porn-y vibe to using Amber and Taylor.

Kanye will never condemn a serial rapist. He didn't with Cosby and he refused to talk about Ian Connor. Kanye has serious serious issues with women. Having Rhianna next to Chris Brown is more proof of that.

It’s shitty and exploitative to make and display photorealistic topless images of women without their consent and even worse to go around telling people that they may be images of the actual woman.

Where are the dicks



Ok raise your hand if you read the whole article.

I can’t imagine my mediocrity being the focus of a national conversation.

The problem is, she’s seen the second half of rom-coms, and figured if she just kept trying, UT would finally see how perfect she is for them!

She was a legacy. She fully expected to go to UT because her daddy did.

Because she thinks she’s speshul.

What’s so crazy is absolutely no one asked who or what you were talking about. That shit is mind blowing.

A couple of things come to mind. 1) I would like water board every one of those parents that pimped out their kids. WTF is wrong with people. 2) how did they not prosicute this sick fuck for child porn? 3) please repeat #1. 4) please repeat #3 and #1.

I don’t think we want more explanation.