Daffodils! Daffodils!

I think she was engineered in an MRA-funded RedPill lab as a prototype of what horrible men want women to be - pretty, compliant, mostly silent, and willing to accept money as a replacement for personality, empathy, attractiveness, or pretty much any other human quality one might want in a partner.

And he married someone who resembles his daughter.

Trophy wife with daddy issues? Shocker!!

Sounds like she’s well-trained in validating the reality of the narcissistic gasbags surrounding her throughout life. It's probably a survival instinct at this point.

.......I’m convinced Melania is a Stepford Droid.....

OH MY GOD!!! I HAVE SO MUCH THIS!!! “Why did I find this funny in 2008? God I sucked then...”

This explains a lot about their relationship.

So basically she knew exactly what kind of man she was marrying.

so in this case its true, girls marry man who resemble their father, right?

Viktor continued to deny paternity—going into detail for the court about when he had sex with Marija and the rhythms of her menstrual cycle—prompting the court to order a blood test.

Cringe city. It’s like when you look at your “facebook memories” and you’re like, why did I ever post this lame stuff?!

Going by that photo, it looks like he loves her more than she does him (which how it’s done ladies). I say this because once I saw a photo of Stanislavsky and his wife. He was looking at him all ‘miring but he was cold as ice! He didn’t even deign to look in her direction. She definitely loved him more than he loved

In related news: For the first time in nearly a century the name “Becky” has fallen off the list of top 100 names for girls.

Does anyone else suspect that Bey and Jay are super weird by this point in their lives? I feel like they have that isolated, rich celebrity crazy going on. I haven't seen either of them do an interview in a long time so I have nothing really to go off of.

Kara we need a ruling.

This album destroyed me, and now this review says everything. THANK YOU.

Is there some sort of factory that pumps out these blonde conservative dames? They all look like they were assembled en masse with a limited choice of distinguishing features

Rachael Ray, none of this is your fault, but you should hide.