Daffodils! Daffodils!

You rubes are missing the larger point here: There’s actually a fucking stick out there that allows you to control the weather!

A rain stick is a great meditation tool, how else are you going to reflect deeply on your poor life choices, like shopping at Free People.

Culturally Insensitive Dildo

Glad to see Free People embrace the aesthetic possibilities of herpes symptoms.

My neighborhood, a predominately Black middle-class area, has a Christmas lights contest every year. People come from all over to look at the lights. Well, last year, a group of gentrifiers wanted to ask the sheriff to establish “check points” to make sure people driving through to look at the lights weren’t would-be

They want the local colour, not the locals of colour.

Cameras on all cops, NOW. I would love to see the footage of what really went down, because I suspect reality bears no resemblance to what was described in court. Of course, that did fuck all for Tamir Rice, so who am I kidding?

I just can’t. I was born in San Francisco; my parents live there, today.

Five years ago my family and I moved to a quieter part of town. When we moved in our neighbors were long time Chinese immigrant families, Russian immigrant families, Irish immigrant families, and old time San Francisco families, mostly working class. Now my neighbors are driving Maseratis, Porsches, and Big Old Audis.

Not just gentrification, but the isolationism that comes along with it. You want the panaderías and Día skulls, but not the neighbors who come along with them. smdh.

“Skinny’s babies cumming soon,”


Objectively, I’m glad that two healthy babies were born.

Well look at that! He CAN take pictures that aren’t completely blown out!

Maybe the only option they'll have for rebellion is to become feminists!?!

Roman… I guess naming the other one “Woody” would’ve ruined his reputation as the reigning king of subtlety.

I was thinking that, but then there's the flip...he will be raising another generation of men to be as Vile and degrading as he is towards women. Overall he never should have been allowed to breed.