Daffodils! Daffodils!

I think the fancy horse from yesterday’s article appears on this video.

It would really be a major heartbreak if Oscar Isaac did something shitty, right?

You know, I don’t like Amber at all but I’m much less an apologist for Johnny Depp. She could be whatever but I don’t believe she deserved to be hit. Nor do I think staying married to an alcoholic is great. She still has a lot to learn and therefore she is better off without shouldering the load of *his* mistakes,



Awww gawd horrible!!!!

hahahahah. Now the question is: will he ditch those stupid safety pin earrings? Do it, Johnny. You’ll feel lighter in your step.

I, on the other hand, like nonfiction and biographies a lot.

The difference is palpable in social media. Somebody born in the late eighties/early nineties/afterward has a buttload of likes on a Facebook status update. Somebody born in the early eighties calls it an outrageously popular day if he/she gets 20 likes or something. We didn’t grow in the social media network as much

Me too

Unitentional Richard Hell reference. I’m reading “I Dreamed I Was A Very Clean Tramp” but have not been inerested enough to fisnish it.

That thumb sucks.

I also feel like I’m neither Gen X nor Millenial. I feel like we’re like the blank generation or something.

This sounds like a poppier My Bloody Valentine and Shirley on vocals. Hey, if this played on the radio I woud much prefer it to a lot of other stuff.

I read xovain. I don’t read xojane at all.

Thing is I wasn’t even laughing it was more of a #smh

What she wore at the Met Gala was so bad and I hate shaming people for their age/looks/what they wear.

God this is so stupid.

Kim’s face on that picture looks like she might slap me. I wonder what she was thinking.

I’m not Becky, nooooo!