Ill Leave this here, it shows both the new high performance CVT as well as the new 2.0DIT, the Twin Scroll Turbocharger and some comparisons to the old 2.5 boxter
Ill Leave this here, it shows both the new high performance CVT as well as the new 2.0DIT, the Twin Scroll Turbocharger and some comparisons to the old 2.5 boxter
another example of what that engine sounds like
heres and example of the 2.0DIT engine in the 2012 Legacy in japan (thier 2012 is our 2013)
disappointingly no, from what i hear its in the headers.
CVT's are taylored by manufacturer based on what they want from it, in just about every case lately its been MPGs, But theres a reason CVT's have been banned from F1, its too damn fast, and when you have one performance oriented it makes a difference.
yeah especially compared to the friggin GTI, prices for everything on my GTI were bullshit prices because "germany"
The 2.0 liter engine is similar to what we see in the BRZ, but is turbocharged and has direct injection (the BRZ has port and direct injection). It puts out 268 horsepower, which is just three more than the last 2.5 liter WRX had, but the power arrives earlier in the band.
what bugs me is that people let their kids run rampant and wild, and then us other parents have to pay with the judging and looks, fuck you, my kid is controlled, quiet, and doesn't leave arms reach.
or the fact that people ignore the order and even though they're "group 5" or whatever back of the plane class they have they line up when they announce First Class, and the attendant never checks, so as you group with group 1 sometimes half the plane is already boarded.
as everything seems to be, they're available, but seemingly only upon request. i stumbled upon them in the overhead bins before, so you could try looking there, but not always.
All I can see is a giant SUBSCRIPTION annotation that can't be removed on mobile...
Imagine if you had a version of this sport where it was basically no pussy rules, no bitchy politics, no people crying unfair, just raw power and the winner is the person who can balance the balls to go faster with enough craziness not to crash the shit
what areas of the country are these located at?
1. Are people only reading the headling and then commenting? actually that makes perfect sense. If you expand the photo embeded the CVT is an OPTION on the WRX as well as the 6MT, and the STI is a 2.5l Turbo with only 6MT as an option.
did you not read the photo embeded in the post? WRX gets the 2.0DIT motor found in the JDM legacy and 2014 Forester, the STI gets a 2.5 Turbo
I can attest so much that i just bought a 2014 Forester Turbo with the CVT, put it in Sport Sharp mode and it hauls pretty good, the low end torque kicks me harder than it does in my G35
Go test drive a 2014 Forester Turbo, put it in Sport Sharp mode....
This is looking good for my '14 Forester Turbo :)