Thats why when i first learned of my $10 premium data fee on sprint i made sure to make 10-15Gb my monthly average....
Thats why when i first learned of my $10 premium data fee on sprint i made sure to make 10-15Gb my monthly average....
well said my man...
why would they run a prototype with ios5? shouldnt it be running 6? and if so that youtube app should be gone like it is on my ipad
Or they could still call it the iPhone 5 and use the 5 to denote a new larger screen size...?
probably, the NEX uses the same logic, the lack of reflex lens shortens the distance needed to travel allowing the lens to be much closer, but also forcing it to be closer so when you want to use a Sony alpha lens you need an adapter that adds another 1-2 inches in front of the mounting plate. same goes with my…
good reference, hat tip!
Very interesting article, but kind of like leading a horse to water, he may or may not drink, but if he did....
most likely, its fine as long as i save and restart the program, otherwise the screen goes blank and i get an out of memory error.
1. Legit version of adobe, and been using it since like flash 4.
Because sometimes you just don't have earplugs and the people around you wont shut the eff up....
which state taxes would they have to pay?
Its a mix bag, it kind of sucks because some people can actually text and walk, but some people just can't and shouldn't, it's just as dangerous because the tards just walk right into the street and don't even look.
Since ,ost of the comments are negative or trolls I'm just gonna commend the action, I would also risk life and limb for my daughter, even though she won't be here for another 8 weeks.
so you can spend about US $2,599.00 on something that will crash on you, on a daily basis..... trust me, it have to restart my computer at least twice a day because "fireworks is out of memory" on my i7 desktop with 16gb of ram, or because "Photoshop encountered an error" or because "flash is gay" and of the million…
if you were to buy a fleet to use and the warrenty was valid then yeah, but when you buy a fleet of trucks you know are broken with the sole purpose to get them repaired at no cost and then sell them for profit, i see that as a moral issue, yeah. Its not the fact that your using the warranty, its that your taking…
the hype begins...
I wasn't commenting about getting harassed, but rather bringing to light that people that abuse things like lenient warranties for their profit are ruining it for others because when apple or any other company that gets tired of being taken advantage of by some kid who is solely trying to make a profit off others…
just because it wasn't illegal doesn't mean it was right, if there was a loophole in the law that allowed me to stab you, that doesn't mean i should, or that its ok.
@ about 5:22 theres a guy at the window going "who the eff is blasting that music and why is there some guy filming me down there...."
"Romantic Mode" looks more like "Fap mode"...