
Spicer must be a soulless bastard... to be able to do his “job” with a straight face.

Frickin moron...

Let’s see if Rivello finds the same twisted pleasure in being a target of unwanted sexual advances in jail...

The shit stain of defending Trump’s lies will never be washed off... especially with hrs of video...

Create infrastructure jobs that last for 50yrs plus... give our service people a raise, rather than wasting billions/trillions on flawed military tech.

Married 3 times or more... most likely a dumpster fire/douchebag.

Nazi pig... guessing he has a SS uniform in his closet.

I predict millions will have to die and trillions in assets/properties will be lost, before Republicans shift from their climate change denial.

When the seas rise and flood the coast... they should erect a monument of infamy to list all the assholes that helped wreak the world.... Trump, Pruitt, Inhofe, etc...

Assange is a tool of Russian intelligence, an organization dedicated to destroying democracy and the West. Assange days are numbered.

Are the betting sites taking odds on when Trump will be impeached?

WTF!$%#?!? Are Texas voters really so insane that they would vote in such batshit crazy legistlators?

So he didn’t shit himself, after weeks of shitting and vomiting on himself... We should expect more from the POTUS, than just giving a coherent speech.

Yanez = murderer... Castle was following his instructions. Another trigger-happy idiot... wonder if Yanez understands the meaning of “protect and serve.”

Another reason why SC is an under developed shithole, on the Federal dole (more back than it contributes in taxes). Bunch of sedition loving assholes.

So sad and depressing... unless you are pureblood Native American, keep your nativist bullshit/bigotry to yourself.

Jenner is delusional... Republicans have become the party of ideological, religious nutjobs. They are bigots, and Jenner is part of a minority anathema to their world view.

Don’t understand the conservative attraction to nasty douche-bags... Time for Milo to crawl back under the rock he calls home.

People don’t appreciate something, until they are in the process of losing it...

For a party that takes pride in it’s religiosity and moral superiority... why the hell do you bastard lie so much???