Pastor Kioko... FUCK YOU!!! You delusional, religious nutjob... there’s blood on your hands. Hope you enjoy hell (if there is an afterlife).
Pastor Kioko... FUCK YOU!!! You delusional, religious nutjob... there’s blood on your hands. Hope you enjoy hell (if there is an afterlife).
When you thought public perception of police couldn’t get any worse ... killing someone at a shoot/don’t shoot demonstration, shooting someone helping a mentally handicapped person, and killing a bystander at a carjacking incident.
Most old white guys = insane, paranoid, selfish and xenophobic nutjobs.
“Questions” about vaccines is nonsense... mandatory vaccination protects people/society from avoidable pain/suffering and death. People need to watch old films showing the tragic effects of polio, small pox, etc.
Rosner and her lawyer are insane...
Another insane, woman-hating conservative...
Even Boris has buyer’s remorse... realizes he had a part creating an absolute mess beyond his ability to resolve. Admitted to the world he is an “empty suit.”
Well-off, white guys must become insane with old age...
Tattooing “Vandalizer” on her forehead should have been part of her sentence.
White privilege... compare this to an African American kid who spent more than a year at Rykers prison without ever being charged for the original reason for his incarceration... suspicion of theft.
Greedy old men who think their success was solely a result of their hard work and genius... more free market bullshit.
Newly improved white-washing, Vatican PR... are they going to retroactively punish all the bishops/cardinals responsible for decades of shielding child rapist/priests?
Maybe Bill Clinton should bankroll a rape victim’s lawsuit against Ken Starr, Baylor, etc.... a la billionaire sociopath Thiel.
Trump is a amoral sociopath... At least his candidacy has identified the insane among the electorate... his supporters.
This is really friggin disturbing... looks like a gateway to beastiality.
Why is Bieber still famous... proves mainstream Americans have really shitty taste.
Wonder if he would have a penis grafted to his forehead for money?
Stupid idea... we need to save now. One year of “average”rainfall doesn’t make up several years of drought. We will probably go through a couple years drought before the next El Nino year of “average” precipitation.
Kardashian women seem to like shit-filled dumpster fires..
Why the hell is this idiot famous?