These guys are assholes... “our wages are too high” ...surprised these clowns are not advocating a return to slavery.
These guys are assholes... “our wages are too high” ...surprised these clowns are not advocating a return to slavery.
Stupid woman!!! Give it to charity so it can do some good...
Girl Scouts need more money back. Would be willing to pay $6/box to make it happen.
Bravo!!! Think things are going backwards in the US...
Another example of racial discrimination at work... Guess the conservative assertion that this is a thing of the pass is bullshit, like the rest of their talking points.
A great actor and a stunning screen presence...
Cheese is good... why veganism is crazy.
Fucking racist bastards... Latino voters need to reclaim Texas from these conservative nutjobs.
Did Southerners learn anything from the Civil Rights struggle? Seems they are largely as ignorant and racist as before... voter ID laws and shutting down of places to get these IDs, in predominantly African American areas.
California rules...shitty places like the South take note.
Nutjob investigations are more important that governing/passing laws...
Reality/facts are never enough for nutjobs (anti-vaxxers included), because their insane beliefs are more important.
Wholefoods is not a progressive retailer... it’s just another luxury retailer.
Hypocritical bastard... probably been decades since Christie has seen his penis. From the size of his pannus, he is still eating himself to death.
VW is screwed, Canada and the EU are getting in line to drop the hammer. Thinking top VW brass are losing their jobs, especially after company stock price drops further.
Bristol Palin is a clueless idiot. Instead of criticizing Obama’s excellent gesture, maybe you should start reading up on birth control and how not to be a Christian/conservative values hypocrite.
From the map, looks like being female in the South is dangerous to your health... Florida is probably hiding negative data. Guess being Bible-crazy doesn’t keep you from abusing, beating and killing women.
This type of bad PR will do in Yelp...thinking your company will end up like
Ignoring medical advice and the wishes of the patient... another reason to loathe organized religion.
Kylie Jenner has had way too much plastic surgery for her age... she already has that plastic, over-inflated, fake look. She is going to look like that grotesque Catwoman socialite by her 40s.