Confirmation that the JW Church are religious nutjobs... Thinking some church elders need to do hard time for being accessories to the rape/sexual abuse of children.
Confirmation that the JW Church are religious nutjobs... Thinking some church elders need to do hard time for being accessories to the rape/sexual abuse of children.
If you waste your opportunity on a “hair question,” you end up looking like a dumbass.
Thinking if she was white, body cavity search would not have occurred.
So why hasn’t every power in the region united to exterminate these assholes?
Another member of the Republican Presidential Clown bus... religion will not save these anti-science idiots, if a pandemic sweeps through.
Utilizing fetal tissue for medical research saves lives and decreases suffering through medical advances. Since abortion is legal, it makes sense to use the resulting fetal tissue for good.
Think racism still persists because the United States still remains a largely segregated society... large portions of this nation lack racial diversity. When you don’t interact with different racial and religious groups, on a personal basis, it is a lot easier to hold prejudiced views about them. That is why economic…
Don’t think these feather headdresses will survive a Playa dust storm...
One nutjob done, ...too bad they have millions left to take his place.
Creativity is great, but designers should consider use of theiran clothes in the real world. Don’t design clothes that makes the wearer look like a clown.
In case anyone forgot that Alabama is a backwater, shithole state controlled by misogynistic, religious nutjobs... I’m surprised you guys didn’t repeal a woman’s right to vote too.
Just don’t cheat on your partner/wife... it’s not that hard. Adultery requires a lot of effort, you just don’t accidently trip into a vagina with your penis.
Guess you shouldn’t have more children than you can afford... surprising the Duggar can live by their own conservative principles.
“To me, [the rebel flag] represents the people who they fought to try and get freedom for everyone,” Autumn Crosswhite said... she is an ignorant dumbass.
Trump, take note...
More evidence that Republicans hate women...
People are friggin stupid... surprised these idiots haven’t infected themselves with tapeworms.
People who don’t consider spousal rape possible, probably consider their wives and children their property... mysogynistic, paternalistic assholes.
Married life is really hard, but the good makes up for the bad. Since it involves 2 people, there will be disagreements and conflict of varied intensity. For me, my time being married has been more rewarding than when i was single.
Some people are such pieces of shit...