
New South my ass...

Feminism is good... real men surround themselves with strong and assertive woman.

All this press about reform is bullshit. Nothing will start changing until many heads start rolling among the military brass, for letting this “pro-rape “culture continue.

Any state controlled by social, conservative nutjobs is a shithole... Texas included.

Texas state government is a national embarrassment.

Why is this douche-bag still driving?

Heavily advertised beers are generally crappy, watered down swill. Don’t think being drunk is enough to sexual abuse a beer can... low IQ and mental illness are probably necessary.

The word “liar” comes to mind... part of being a decent adult comes from owning up to your actions and admitting when you screw up.

Guessing he will meet an early, “untimely” end.

Looks like Missouri wants to join Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, as another shit hole, Midwest state dominated by religious nutjobs.

Her husband’s superstar, artist status is the only reason Meredith Finch has the writer job.

Hmmmmmm... starting early on the road towards plasticized, catwoman-hood.

Dr Keith Asshole...

They should keep an eye on him, makings of a serial killer.

Why don’t law and order advocates raise hell over the obscene backlog in processing rape kits??? Would also think social conservatives would be strongly in favor of finding and prosecuting rapists... unless they are anti -technology and don’t really give a damn about women’s issues.

Going to the fight makes you a douche bag for supporting Mayweather, a disgusting/serial abuser of women, and Pacquiao, a homophobic/anti-woman, religious wacko.

Beards are good to cover a scar, or in sub-zero conditions to protect from frostbite... Otherwise, they make you look like an inbred, country hick.

Mayweather’s children should disown their “father.” Some things should never be forgiven. If I was his son, I would be tempted to beat the crap out of him at my earliest opportunity.

Ignored this fight... not interested in promoting the participants - a evil, serial abuser of women and an anti-LBGT, anti-women’s rights, religious nutjob.

Watches are cool...