
He was okay. I like him better than Doug.

Oh I totally know I've been deleted...LOL.

I actually do like Lindy's articles about how she handles being overweight. Because I can relate to some of the things she's gone thru.

I don't think I read that one. Good though. Because that would've made me seriously angry.

If you ever read this Caity, you have a couple of fangirls here.

Was Erin the one who wrote about being raised in a southern town and how much she hated it recently? Because holy shit......that was some serious stereotyping bullshit right there.

I adore my mom but everyone else? I don't exactly hate them, but I seriously dislike them.

What about an antique shop?

Also, I get annoyed at the 'X IS YOUR NEW BFF/BOYFRIEND' articles.

Not surprised.

I saw that too. With people pulling shit like that sometimes, it's no wonder that people don't want to regard themselves as feminists.


I'm white trash and lower middle class.

Stay klassy Philly!

I've lived in the suburbs of Philly and worked/went to school there and I ain't shocked.

I'm a born Catholic too...even went to Catholic school for a few years...and they never talked about how bad it was for teenagers to have sex. Sure they preached abstinence...which I expect they would, since they are religious...but most Catholics are more liberal than some of these other denominations that, as much

I totally forgot Hillary Duff got married and had a kid....

I think she's cute. But let's face it, she also gets a lot of shit because she's not some skinny thing like Brian William's daughter.

'Cause Jesus. That's why.

No it'll be the young females and the gays that get arrested, along with minorities. Straight young white men? They'll just get a pat on the back.