
There’s only a little of Lotz?

This is all well and true, but might I point out that when you jumble up the letters in “Anatomy” you get “A Man Toy.” So I ask, who’s the real victim here?

I’m still heavily invested in Schrute bucks.

Why did they dislike Obama?

I think what bears examining is why so many people believe Trump’s constant claims that the country is going to hell when we had full employment and the lowest crime rate in American history. “Our cities are on fire” doesn’t make a lick of sense if you know how to Google crime statistics or the word “gentrification”

Huh, I actually thought Season 3 was the last. The creators seemed to imply that they ran out of ideas. I’m happy they found a new idea. Hopefully it will be more of the season 1-2 vibe, instead of season 3, which wasn’t the strongest. I enjoyed it, but felt no need to revisit.

Well, I realize now is not exactly the moment that best proves the point, but the idea behind the First Amendment is, I think, a correct one. The First Amendment limits the ability of the government to restrict speech based purely on its content, and before and without regard to any actions being taken. In general,

You remember puffins? They are back! In Porg-form.

Glad someone wrote this. Chavez’s last line is such a seemingly willful misreading of the Bush’s writing. I’m no Billy Bush fan (does he have fans?), and despise Trump and the malignancy he represents, but the slanting to this is so poorly argued and immediately moot. Avclub could you just try to pretend you have

“Comparing losing his job for encouraging Trump in the interview, even if he did just think it was run-of-the-mill misogyny and not assault, to women who claim to have been sexually harassed or assaulted by a man who’s now the most powerful person on the planet is an incredibly stupid thing to write.”

I’m sorry, I don’t believe this. Everybody in Hollywood is going to be telling stories to try to show they hated Harvey Weinstein before it was cool and I am not buying any of them.