Hadrian McQuaig

Flight from San Diego to DC - that’s a long one.

If I could snap my fingers, he’d be one of them.

Here’s a good internment camp for an asteroid -

No duh - we aren’t ready for a 3 month old to cross the border, much less a 500 ton rock falling from the sky.

Where is it?!

I don’t think they can recover from the damage Rian Johnson did - without a retcon or an amazing showing in IX that would spend more time patching the story than getting anything done.

I’ll take “Things no one wanted for $100, Alex”

Realizing now I wasn’t clear - I’m totally cheering for Disney!

Pissed off cops, usually means the citizens are winning. Everything has a bad use and cops just need to be craftier.

Disney plays rougher and even more unfair that Comcast does. But people actually like Disney and absolutely despise Comcast.

No. Shut it down. This is not happening. The best thing coming out of this vote is that this asshat is wasting his money.

Who writes the headlines, io9?

This feels automated - like they keep a database that connects people with headlines and written blurbs and an engine puts them together automatically.

Wow - so they’ve retconned all of the supernatural aspects about Michael! This sounds much more fun!

Same problem - it’s where all my friends make events and share their statues. Stuff they don’t share on Insta or Snap. Lots of family there too.

I think Facebook and all of its various acquisitions are just only floating around waiting for the flush. We will all move on once we reach a consensus on the next thing. That next thing may well be no social media at all.


Dear Facebook,

I love how skillfully they avoided making a furry-creator engine.

Time to reboot Star Wars: Droids?