Hadrian McQuaig

He passed up as Independence Day sequel - for this?

Is it running Symbian? I’d like to see that zombie back in action!

Oh hey daddy bear!

Make him not-the-President-anymore and take away his access to security reports. Then we won’t care what he does with his unsecured phone.

Alexandria is burning! Grab a bucket!

Myth 4 - all the way!! So a few years ago - a combination of stress, bad diet, and weight devastated my testosterone production. As a former porn star, gay cruising expert, and sometime-sex addict - this put quite a downer on a self-esteem. My T levels were 120 (normal range is 400 to 800). So, I did the

This seems.. cancerous? I donno.

Jesus fucking christ, this guy is a cunt.

If the joke is too complex- it’s not a joke. If you build a huge machine out of shit, that’s sole job is to make ice - and it fails to make ice - all you are left with is clockwork shit.

Woof. Grr. and all that.

This article was not what I was expecting. I am disappointed.

I see what you are saying. Jerry Brown has been in office since 2011 - and Schwarzenegger wasn’t a deconstructionist. And that is fair! I agree something should have been done by leadership. At the same time - taking away - or privatizing - the data, tools, and agencies that help communities process these issues does

But yes - let’s let the regressive republicans deconstruct our government. Get rid of the EPA and boss around Army Corps of Engineers. What could go wrong?!

Pre-marital sex is great. It’s necessary. Test drive before you buy. Is there enough room, is it big enough, do the tires work - OMG DOES IT HAVE WARTS?

I just watched Sausage Party - and all I can see are the food products being forced to stand there and take this. So sad.

Choo-Choo Train Rangers!

He’s... well.. he’s kinda cute! Like Kube Kubiak from Parker Lewis - played by the equally handsome Abraham Benrubi.

With a name like “bearback” I’m tempted to flirt - but that infected cocksnot Spencer up there is an admitted white supremacist, and known for his nazi salutes, Nuremberg-style sing-alongs, and quoting “Triumph of the Will” - He’s giving himself away.

Did he include a link to the iOS and Google apps stores in the letter as a way to subtly beg for people to install it again?

Per Wookieepedia: “Though Director Orson Krennic had planned to destroy the whole moon, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin ordered only its ancient Holy City be destroyed.”