Hadrian McQuaig

Doyle Register - Kendrick High School Choral Director, Columbus, Georgia. On paper, he taught chorus. But in practice he lectured us on life, gave us opinions, he gave us the gift of examining the situation from different angles. It was the mid-late 90's - OJ Simpson, Riots in LA, US budget crisis, Chechnya,

This is what some gay men think straight sex is like.

As a friend said today: "If this is the new AntennaGate - can we call it Bend-ghazi?"

I swear Gawker is on Microsoft's payroll, sometimes. But seriously, no one cares about Bing - and they especially don't care about MSN or the myriad of other Microsoft mis-branding adventures over the years. SkyDrive? OneDrive? OneCare? ActiveCare? Live Search? Live Spaces? Thats why they have no market penetration

I know what I'm torrenting this weekend. This guy - and whoever that Chris Gaines fella was.

Agents of SHIELD had a really good turncoat with Agent Ward - I kept waiting for him to show that he was a Good guy who pretended to changed sides and was really still a good guy. After he murdered Victoria Hand and her men, I figured there was some kind of come back form that - that it was faked, life model decoys -

Looks like Lena Heady!


Peak Meat - yea that's what they call it

This is seriously a Gizmodo article?!

Thin bezels are ridiculous. Thin bezels look awful. Thin bezels are going to break. Thin bezels are uncomfortable. Thin bezels are impractical.... wait... this just in! Apple is doing THIN BEZELS?! OMG PRODUCT OF THE FRIGGIN' YEAR!!!

NO. We haven't found anything we can kill in space yet - except ourselves.

I really hated how Splinter and the Turtles are the most dedicated Weeaboos ever. They completely appropriate Japanese culture in the most inappropriate ways.

This isn't about consumers. The DoT does not give a damn about consumers. They care about their golfing buddies who own stock in companies that supply pay phones satellite data services to airplanes. They don't want to to use service you already pay for - how can they make money off of that?! No - they want you to pay

I'm not fond of a vaporizer reviews. I get it - they are a gadget and they are popular. Maybe I just think Smoking and is more clean-cut cousin, Vaping, are gross.

i find...

I think it's Syndrome. Frickin' Disney.

As many others have noted - the breast plate is unrealistic and awful. It sexualizes the character inappropriately. Just one more reason I've almost completely stopped reading comics.