Hadrian McQuaig

blah blah blah - Moffat is the new Berman - I'll give it a couple of episodes to keep my interest before I decide I'll watch it on Netflix after I retire in 40 years and have exhausted all the good scifi stories.

I thought it was funny back in the early mid-2000s when there was talk of a Homestar Runner show on Cartoon Network. I think the rumor was that they just couldn't figure out what it would be.

I was given a Commodore VIC-20 when I was 12. Even by 1991 standards this was out of date. I learned some BASIC and managed to score some cartridges and play games on it.

Happy was released in November of 2013. It's time has long since been over.

They look like they came right off my Trapper Keeper in 1988.

Because PS4 owners are too busy playing video games to constantly blog, tweet, post, <3 and Like about it non-stop. Oh, and don't forget Xbox paid people to gush about who amazing-super-awesome-cool their product was a while back. Which I'm pretty sure Gawker cashed in on as much as they have gone on and on about it.


First, carrier exclusivity is so 2007 - amirite Apple?

I was thinking more Secret of NIMH.

To point it out.. iCloud Drive existed before - as .Mac iDisk. Which predates many many cloud services. It was awesome and then Apple somehow thought users were too stupid to manage their own documents and replaced it with iCloud storage with apps that managed space for you - which was painful for many of us.

"bigger franchise"? - oh you mean that one that hasn't produced a new movie in over 25 years and had one-off decent video game in recent memory - along with a 20 year old cartoon and toy set? right.

Feels like the first mention of the Xbox One by Gawker that isn't kowtowing to the obelisk.

Well.. it started out ok after Tennant.. the Moffat went gods damned crazy. I wish they'd ax him, not the whole show.

Now playing

Oh video game music - how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!!

Now playing

Oh video game music - how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!!

This must be what makes the Gelatinous Cubes.

I'm pretty sure Gawker has some kind of deal with Microsoft. They do seem to to do a lot of promotion for this software hobbled, low res, underpowered, underselling, discounted pile.

Wow.. a log going on there. And being a bear and into bears, it was all quite relevant to me. This was pretty much my 20's - Porn, video games, chat, look for love, beat off, go get food, gawk at daddies in the check out line.

Marvel's Mega Ultra Super Extended Edition All New All Different Summer Crossover Event! - Civil War.