
I woke up to my husband shouting “FUCK” and my initial thought (after “how am I going to break it to the children?”) was that I needed to make an appointment to get a valium prescription.

I’ve lived and worked in Turkey, and highly doubt there would be any sort of rush to work in the European Union. The reason for the large Turkish population in Germany was that Germany literally imported them to rebuild after World War II (and then fairly well deprived them and their children of civil rights,

Turkey is so far away from becoming a member of the EU that it’s actually irrelevant - unless you trying to scare people into doing something for fear of muslims, of course. Every EU country has a veto power over any new joiners. Period. If the UK didn’t want to be in the EU with Turkey, they didn’t have to leave the

Whatever arguments might be made on either side, there’s no denying that one of the primary motivators for the people on the “leave” side has been anti-immigration sentiment and xenophobic nationalism, which resonates with the right more than the left.

It is a union, and with union comes a certain responsibility: perhaps, even more strongly for one of the strongest countries in the union. Were both England and Germany to secede, surely the European Union, itself, would come close to collapse. This is akin to California seceding from the United States in terms of

The had the 5th largest economy. They just shot themselves to hell on that one with Brexit. Their economy is very much based on trade with other EU countries. It is absolutely laughable for anybody to think that the remaining EU countries will feel generous in doing large amounts of business with the likes of England

Because it actually hurts the economy of the UK. There is no way it will positively affect it. On top of that, the Brexit campaign was largely run on a platform of xenophobia and racism. John Oliver did a great piece on Last Week Tonight that was extremely accessible.

Here’s an actual break down of the economic

And this is what happens when a nation is ruled by fear. That's all I have to say, I'm truly dumbfounded by the results.

I was laughing when some British politician on CNN was telling Christiane Amanpour that Britian had the 5th largest economy in the world so they will be just fine. He seemed very sure of himself and quite smug about it. Unfortunately for him, he’s going to get a very rude awakening when Britian starts losing jobs and

Hopefully this will be a wake-up call to people about the dangers of right-wing populism. Groups like UKIP and the National Front aren’t just fringe elements anymore; they are successfully appealing to millions of working class white Europeans, disenchanted with bureaucracy and blaming migrants for their ills. It’s

Watch Scotland, UK. They might make a break for it to go to the EU and I don’t blame them one bit.

This is such a bad move, I’m so ashamed of my country. This move shows how hate can motivate people to make stupid decisions. Please remember that very nearly half of us didn't make this decision. I feel sick...

My countrymen, ladies and gentlemen.

So, the British equivalent of our TEA Party morons got their way? This doesn’t bode well for our chances of avoiding Orangutan-In-Chief.