
Already said it. He needs to be anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist. Anything else is window dressing that won’t solve the underlying problems.

Sanders is a self described democratic socialist, which is better than a liberal at least. Warren on the other hand said she was a “capitalist to [her] bones” and he supported her too.

Because liberals are capitalists and imperialists. Capitalism got us into the current mess of deep inequality and impending climate catastrophe, and imperialism has caused an untold amount of death and suffering throughout the world.

Nobody is saying that. He is 100% a liberal. What some people are saying is that being a liberal is not nearly good enough.

I get the feeling that the people that say it’s okay for the movies to be samey because the MCU is essentially a serial, are the same ones that try to insist that every single release is “such a breath of fresh air and a departure from the usual MCU” just because they use a couple of superficial genre indicators.

Jodorowski’s Dune is one of those things that are amazing to hear about, but would be awful to actually sit through.

How many people will need to keep saying this before entertainment journalist stop pretending that it’s a hot take, and not a commonly held opinion?

Are all the episodes coming out on the same day?

I’m not sure how Musk like the character really is considering Musk never designed anything. He just buys things and then puts his name on them.


Being a liberal isn’t a good thing either dude

Being a liberal isn’t a good thing either dude

Remember that Rally to Restore Sanity? When he did a both sides between racists and marxists? When he said that people need to differentiate between tea partiers and “real racists”?

More important:

I bet you do think that.

I’m used to seeing people come into these types of discussions and trying to justify how little they bathe with awful excuses, but yours is by far the worst one so far. Congratulations.

Two people?

No thank you

For her sake, I hope he showers before any romantic scenes.

Oh no