
Tom Dotter, a Denver-area shop owner who specialized in Fiats

Make Another Gearbox Available

Chris and Derek pushed the giant SUV down the ramps and into my swampy backyard, where it now sits

Translation: Gas cars are getting more expensive.

First Gear. Goes to show you about the Quality of FCA, not even their negotiations can last a week.

Wasn’t it Benjamin Franklin that said, “Boobs are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy,” or something like that? 

I constantly look at my Ram and wonder why it doesn’t have boobs. Everything is better with boobs.

Additional rules and regulations.

Can we all admit Elon is just a hype man that doesn’t actually know what the fuck he is ever talking about? He knows big words and uses them convincingly on stupid people, but most of what he says...in technical terms....is gibberish.

More and more I am convinced EM isnt as smart as most people think.  Either that or his ego is sooooo huge he will never budge in admitting he is wrong.  He totally lives in a delusional world full of his own and others lies.  He needs to go away, hopefully one of the Tesla robotaxis will run him over next year.

I like to think of a self driving car like a referee in a basketball game. If you think you can design a robot or computer system that can run down the court and make all of the necessary judgement calls in a basketball game, then it’s possible that you could create a self driving car.  In my opinion it’s not going to

The technology around autonomous cars is impressive, but I doubt we’ll see anything close to what’s been promised in our lifetimes. Getting a car from point A to point B without hitting anything is do-able, but that’s only half the issue. Cars have to navigate changing cityscapes, unpredictable pedestrians and other

Never. Self driving cars are the retrofuturistic vaporware of our time. Either all the cars are automated, or none of them are. Either way, until you can get software and sensors to work nearly perfectly in all conditions all the time, including those involving human created mischief, forget it. 


Nobody fucking knows. Even the insiders don’t know. If you talk to level-headed people in the industry, they’ll tell you that the current approach of tying together a multitude of machine learning systems is hitting a ceiling. When we’ll break through that ceiling is a matter of discovery, and you can’t predict

Autonomous driving and improved safety from technology has been a huge pipe dream the past 10 years. Its not until 90%+ of the vehicles on the road have L4+ for it to make a difference.

Put it in a giant bag of rice when you’re done with the soak and it should be a-okay!

How’s it going to look in the Home Depot parking lot lifted with an obnoxious light bar across the top and a “if you can read this, flip me over” sticker on the back? Speaking of which, where is the ideal placement for the sticker now? On the tailgate? Or still up on the glass? Because if it’s flipped, wouldn’t the