
Some alternative names

Longtime BMW owner, 5 currently including a i3 Rex PHEV. Considering other options for a 7 seater SUV but there is nothing I can lease comparably as a BMW and get around 30mpg like our Diesel X5, the market is forcing me to get an X7 with less gas mileage. Telluride or Palisades could serve as a stop gap until X7 PHEV

My BMW 135 with DCT did some unintended lurching/acceleration, once pushing me into an intersection luckily no cars were coming. Its due to the adaptations being wonky messing with the throttle.

He didnt do #1 or 2. He did not start Paypal nor did he start Tesla.

BMW, Audi, Merc, and Porsche have been absent from the Boston & Providence auto shows for a long time. While they are smaller regional shows mostly supported by local dealers, their absence is still disappointing.

I just small cars were still small. Its crazy how much bigger the new Z4Supra is compared to the Z3 I had. A guy at work has an old Saab Sonnet3 and I swear you can fit 2 of them into a modern parking spot. Why do cars have to be so damn big? The new 4 door 3 series BMW is bigger than my 95 540.

Happy to see the black version is really a black version.  Guess Nissan are the only idiots that still have a ton of chrome on their black version vehicles, no wonder the company is going down the shitter.

And divide the highway into halves, full license drivers in one half and the restricted license in the other.

They freaking stole the idea from Cannonball Run 2 !!!!

$10k budget, thats like 8-12 DT holy grails, nothing better than having 11 backups.... until the 12th one breaks and the other 11 are still broken.... but the solution is then.... buy another holy grail...

LOL, yeah the whole political mess in this country is basically a fight between an old man with a shriveled wee wee versus an old witch with a wrinkly cooch.  They are both crazy old evil wackos.

Should of just had all Chrysler, Fiat, and Alfa products just grouped into 1 item to satisfy everyone.

Why isnt the Tesla Cultists #1? Sure that Elio is a disaster. Could of at least made Tesla Cultists 1a and the Elio 1b with no #2.

Has Mercedes gotten that boring they are just going through the alphabet on their naming conventions?

Technically I think in Massachusetts if your in a turn only lane or going from a one way to one way, turn signal is not required.

Was at the museum over the summer, was hoping they would have a 959 on display but wasn’t sure, thats all my wife heard on the drive there. Of course they had one. The storage looks mostly like dupes of racing cars they have in the museum, theres also the mechanics area where they restore and work on the collection to

Glad someone else finds that stupid GM commercial absolutely idiotic.

Brandon might have a better chance getting home on time and in one piece in the Jeep.

Be sure the tools and parts in your checked bags is allowed. Many tools in carry-on bags are not allowed but have even heard of problems with things in checked in bags also.

By the time AVs are perfected we will probably be able to build a robot to sit in a non-AV car and drive it. Why does the car need all this expensive tech when you just need a human replacement not a self driving vehicle.