
No way, the Kent (I think) scooter I had in the 80s with the about 6" air filled tires was awesome.

My M4 6spd has a very annoying driver tech, it suggests to me the gear I should be in.  Shut up car I know how to drive a 3 pedal car like I stole it.  I dont want to be in 6th at 50 mph.

Does it come with at least 2 fire extinguishers when the old guy at the track won’t help me put out a fire because I yelled at him like an idiot?

All lies, its really going to be a V12 and cost 3x of the base C8 price.

Every air cooled 70s-90s 911 has at least a $50k reserve on BaT no matter the condition and history.  All of them are crack pipe, but they eventually sell.

Correction - Picture was taken in NJ hence the trash.

Bah thats 2 C8 kinda money. Why hasnt there been a C8 article in over 2 weeks, I thought every week until the C8 is one year old after first delivery would get articles.

Motorsports Edition of the 8 Series Vehicle with a 5.0L Equivalent Engine

Yeah any Merc with and “A” in the name is utter garbage and regretted by 70%+ of purchasers. Much better Asian car equivalents for much less money.

Get to the choppaahh!!!

The plans for the next GT-R were on the servers at NNANet, in the system crash the data was unrecoverable and was the only copy as it was locked up tight to prevent leaks, so yeah the current GT-R aint getting replaced anytime soon.

Exactly, believe when I see it. While yes increasing our wealth through the market is nice. US corporations are greed monsters that could mostly care less about the workers (except upper mgmt), customer, or quality of the product. They will break any rules and push any POS product to maximize profits.

A movie already covered this scenario, Transcendance

Who cares about recalls on a ride hailing vehicle. If you get into a unknown vehicle there is always assumed risk of some sort. Everytime you get in a friends car do you ask if all their recalls are up to date. Back in the 80's & 90's a big portion of the cabs in the major cities were big POS cars that were poorly

I was expecting the guy shooting the video to say, I was at the track and a friend of a friend’s Demon caught on fire, it was like crazy in flames.

The 6 series cars really weren’t discontinued, BMW just realized the next Gen could be marked up $20k as the 8 series and people would pay the new high prices.

The future problem with EV charging infrastructure is going to be monopolistic. There are very few players and while some new ones will pop up over time its all going to be consolidated surely in the next 10 years into a utility like monopoly. Which leads to the problem they will be able to charge whatever they want.

Somebody needs to stand up to EM and put him in his place.

If cops ticketed for only no use of turn signals, BMW would be number 1.  Thats as unlikely as a ticket for not wearing a seat belt or talking on a cell phone though.

I saw this one local place using PureCars for comparative pricing, not to be confused to TrueCars.  Anyways the PureCar price is about 20-25% over KBB, NADA, etc clean retail price.  So the dealer then claims car is discounted 25-50% off book value, and then its still overpriced according to the market.