
I know what I have.  No low ballers or pawn shops..

Autonomous driving and improved safety from technology has been a huge pipe dream the past 10 years. Its not until 90%+ of the vehicles on the road have L4+ for it to make a difference.

I feel the science community should come up with a new name for black holes since they are not really a “hole” as originally envisioned.

Why not, darwinism will claim a few more qualified candidates and FCA will benefit from a $100k Jeep it no longer has to service or recall.

Also there is usually a white dot on the outer sidewall of a new tire. That dot in a perfect world should be lined up with the valve stem for optimal balancing. Only good shops do this.

Tariffs on new cars is a future issue as wont be updating the fleet until 2020 & 2021, but my concern is tariffs on auto parts & tires. I go through at least 2-3 sets a year on my fleet and spend $100-1000s on imported parts.

No, the bed is tiny, and if you take off the roof/rear window the only way to use the interior volume is having your cargo 2ft above the bed, or basically flat if there was a cover on top of the bed.  Its kinda useless, can barely fit a full shopping cart of groceries in the bed.

Only reason they started shipping to Europe and China is because they had tons of excess inventory they could no longer sell in the US.

They only started shipping to Europe and China because they had excess inventory they could not sell there. They might sell some for a few months, but overall will get destroyed in China and won’t do well in Europe only to get worse in 2020+.

OMG why aren’t the ECO nuts blasting and condemning Tesla’s because if they catch fire then 3000+ gallons of precious water is going to be wasted...

But majority of people in apartment complexes cant afford an EV, not in the next decade. Surely luxury ones are already looking to add EV chargers as its a selling point.

I really wonder about the charging future. 95% of it should be at home, very rare you would need to charge on the road. But with all the apartment & street parking how is this possible? With the lack of parking in cities would garages have to have a charger in every parking spot?  Can the existing grid infrastructure

I am always skeptical of these executives that have already made a boat load of money and then join a company which is kind of a down grade from something like AWS.  All the executives who jump from company to company usually add less value than the new guy in the mail room.

How can they sue them? I thought all the lawyers quit and everyone refuses to work for them?

Wasnt there some sort of partnership when Peugeot was in the states before?  Because I remember a lot of Chrysler/Plymouth dealers also selling Peugeots.

Apparently the market does not like V1 of the Telsa Y or any of the other versions posted here.

I agree the front of all them was pretty ugly, its like one person designed the front another designed the rear and they glued them together. The model 3 is hideous in the front and the Y will be just as ugly.

4th Gear - Are weekly deadly FCA recalls not really news worthy anymore that no one posts comments of them anymore in TMS....

Shocked. He played such a huge part in the sport over the past 3 decades mostly behind the scenes. While his name is mentioned in the broadcasts more and more over the past years, casual fans dont know who he is or all the ways he has guided the sport. No one could of done it better considering the tough job he had,

I’ve wondered with the Tesla’s getting the same battery but software to reduce range, wont some smart people just hack that.  Is it possible to brick a Tesla?  Do OTA updates restore any hacked pieces?