
CUV’s are nothing more than a wagon with more ground clearance. Many of the earlier ones didnt look like wagons as the new ones do now. When I see all the new CUV’s I say thats a freaking jacked wagon. But its better than a minivan.

While this is music to my ears, its just delaying the inevitable. I thought the manual was still an option in the latest 5 series but now I dont think so. Its gone in every model except the outgoing 3/4/M3/M4. BMW will never make the manual work with AWD. Them not having a manual in the M2 or the latest M5 was the

If they dont listen to your #1 point they will end up like Sears hahahhah

FCA has been balls deep in recalls for about 15 years now... they just hide it until they got in trouble.

Ford & VW.... maybe this is why Ford stopped selling cars LOL.  VW buys Ford in the future and wants to eliminate all Ford cars before hand.

The Boston Toyota Sienna scenario. Herb Chambers is the least likely to negotiate on used car prices, everyone in the area knows this, so they will follow suit and price according to HC’s outrageous prices. I wont step foot in a HC dealership and was super pissed when they bought Foreign Motors in Natick.

Pretty sure thats me. I now have my kids asking “Daddy can we do zig zags”.

LOL...  I think most of the people I see driving with high beams on all the time are foreigners.  I had to get my wife to stop doing it.  I think the driving test needs a question about high beam use.

But every other manufacturer has the rear lights on with DRL except dummy Toyotas.  Well in Japan its such an over lighted country you dont need lights to see...

1st..... Does FCA really think they can be 2nd in truck sales, I had a Ram once and only reason I chose them was it was so much cheaper, but they are garbage. Buddy has had a total lemon 2017 2500 Ram. Everyone I know has constant problems with them.

All those dummies need is a giant tent. Perhaps even a canopy can suffice. 20000 of those cheap 10x10 popups are prolly cheap in China.

Perhaps true, I didnt think there was anything worse than the Apple fanboys until the Tesla fanboys blew them away the past 2 years for ignorant blind fools.

What will be most interesting is if Tesla can deliver all the cars by the end of the year that it is promising to those they are guaranteeing the $7500 credit.  I’d say not delivering 100 cars or more to those they promised would cause a major rift.  They would prolly have to eat the other half $3750 to quell the riot.

People got spoiled from low rates since the housing bubble burst in 2006. The Fed kept rates too low for too long which raised inflation, their stats and gauge on that are garbage. In the late 1990s early 2000s the rates on new cars was about 4-5% and used was 6-9%. People have such horrible memories.  Interest rates

EVs will always be safer because you dont have that giant chunk of metal under the hood to devise the safest way not to have it come through into the engine compartment.

It is not weak.  The range with Rex is just fine, my wife commutes 150 RT in it a day.  Its tires are 5" wide BTW.  It handles like a BMW, I could of taken a Prius on the inside of an off ramp as he almost dumped it in the wall.  Obviously you know nothing about the i3.

The Rex is fine for powering the car, once it kicks in if you over push the car and get the battery to 0% yes the Rex can not provide full power. My wife’s commute uses about 40 miles of the Rex on the way home everyday and she has no problems.

This is only in Europe and the UK. i3 will still have the Rex for the updated 2019 model in the US.

The seats are not BMW comfortable, but still better that the Honda Civic my wife had when I met her.  The car is minimalist because they think its a waste to stuff a giant 75-100kw battery into a car for more range than needed plus too much technology and so an EV can be super fast in 0-60 but over heats after 5mins

My wife commutes 150 miles a day in our 2017 i3 Rex.  Most i3s are owned by people with other BMWs in the garage.  They are actually a nice little EV.