
I find it amusing that the intro screen (with piano) is as long as the time given to interviewees to explain their game.

@Mischaraka: Boost through the center of the big block of green power-up rocks (the one you get after destroying the numbered sequence of rocks).

Said it in another post, but when after installing 2.41, the PS3 restarted and gave me an error like "Wrong Harddrive Installed." I powered on/off and it was back to working condition.

Installed it early this morning, and I got an error saying "wrong harddrive installed" after the update. However, powering on/off seemed to fix the problem.

Nice. Am I the only one that hears Chappelle's Rick James "Cold Blooooded!" everytime I see/read phrase?

Brian, please comment on the difficulty if you can. It seems like you can mash buttons and kill people, without having to worry at all about how to proceed. HULK SMASH!

Is the entire bar being rented out?

When I think of cheats like like aimbotting or wallhacks, I just can't be bothered to care about pleving. Those other cheats give you abilities that you are not supposed to have. Pleveling doesn't. It makes pure economic sense for pretty much anyone with a job too. The time you spend grinding could be used in a

Even the creator, Ken Levine, didn't like the ending of the game. Hopefully it's fixed in this version.

Poll: Were you guys more disappointed in X3 or Spider-man 3? That's a tough one...I lost many good brain cells to each.

@stryker1800: I'm talking about "handling" in the general sense. Obviously there will still be a lot of racists. What I'm saying is America recognizes and teaches about its past mistakes fairly even-handedly. As for rap music, saying it's the cause of societal deterioration is about as reasonable as saying GTAIV

Pach-attack deserves it. The guy's funny, knowledgeable about the industry, and makes strong predictions. They don't always come true, but I dig his reasoning.

Hey Bash, are you going to teach Mash about WWII? From what I know, most Japanese people aren't taught much about their shameful past.

omg, is zangief's had on a crack whore tranny's body?

@King Alanux: I think that game was "Elevator Action" I remember their being an updated Elevator Action in the arcade. It rocked.

Can someone please tell me the name of the side-scrolling driving game shown in the intro? The one where the car jumps over a bunch of rocks?

Hahaha, this could get ugly and fun. Let's see if Sony hits back by dredging up every negative point about the 360 or takes the high road. Ash, get the cats fighting picture ready!

There needs to be a PSN update for this. new alternate music, another level or two.