
That’s actually the CEO of Dollar Shave Club, Michael Dubin. My hate is directed to the Gillette commercials touting *their* shave club, with the guy jumping out of the wall and scaring the dudes shaving in the “bathroom”. That is a dopey-ass commercial.

Or even the 1990’s!

You haven’t been here very long, have you?

I think this photo would have been more appropriate.

THORNY: Enhance...[clickclickclick]...Enhance...[clickclickclick]...Enhance

NODDY HOLDER: Hello, I’m the lead singer for Slade, and I wrote “Cum On Feel the Noize”.

They were trying to be too cutesy with the “don’t score, we’ll run out the clock” crap. Get the TD, go up by 10 with ~1:50 left, and if the Cowboys win then it’s good job to ya. Now what we have is “Old Man and Peyton’s younger, dumber brother blow a game”.

That’s what I thought when I heard of this - it was an identity fraud investigation. Good thing for Blake he wasn’t mistaken for an armed robbery suspect, it would have been shoot first, apologize to the family later.

Don’t be silly. Blake might have been hiding an AK under his t-shirt and hundreds of lives could have been lost in the resulting shootout.

Why do announcers call this play a double-reverse? Collinsworth does this with every reverse. If the wide receiver didn’t try to hand it to the other wide receiver it would have been an end-around.

Did he get arrested? No? Thanks for playing “I Don’t Understand The First Amendment”, better luck next time!

Great googly-moogly! He looks like a grown-up Willy Wonka kid!

Civil litigation does not assign guilt or innocence. It assigns liability, as in the OJ Simpson case. Stewart can be found innocent or not criminally charged for the death, but can be found to be partially liable.

Just to confirm - that would have been a penalty if he caught it, right? Something about he can’t touch it with his hands first if his teammate passes it back to him? If I’m correct it looks to me like he remembered that rule mid-jump.

That’s the first thing I thought of, I remember this incident - I was looking on Google for this article. Either have a rule or don’t. I could care less if the manager wore a Zoot Suit - he’s not going to be the one hitting the 3-run dinger. But if you’re going to check, make it a rule.

“OHHH!! Down goes the range!

I’ve seen that one before. Here is another popular story (from reddit user /u/markevens, “The SR-71 speed check story”, I believe this is from Maj. Brian Shul as well):

Wait, didn’t Clay Travis write for Deadspin? Sooo...we hate him now?

I can’t wait for this schmucks first de-cleating. I will watch Penn State just to see this “#1 Ranked 2016 Kicker” get knocked ass-over-teakettle.