
this right here is one of the reasons trump is in office... you helped! :D

damn.. you didnt find any way to blame this one on trump too?? lol

the media done been that way for years.. time to wake up

if you go anywhere except jezebel, it wont seem as gloomy.

and the gawker conglomerate machine keeps on turning....

one things for sure.. this guy doesnt deserve any type of second chance and should be persecuted and possibly hung from a cross via nails in hands/feet with a crown of thorns. after all.. he didnt do anything physical.. he only spoke words... WHICH IS WAY WORSE!

oh shit! yall could cross pollinate this story over on jezebel if its not already!! there are ravenous beasts over there lying in wait for ANYONE that dare speak of anything regarding females.

wholehearted agreement sir

hope you go and it happens just as you say.. EXCEPT ITS A HILLARY SUPPORTING ASSHOLE!

broken promises happen whether you experienced it or not

its cause hes black isnt it?! RACIST!

thank the lord we aint casual friends.. id prolly trash our friendship too.. but itd be more about you being a bitch

lol they deleted my response.. gg


youre an approved jezzie nut hugger.. whats youre point? did you think id get a fair shake here or something? lol.. all i said was they both were having major things levied against them throughout the campaign.. that it wasnt lopsided like you said.

i didnt say shit about that. you made a ridiculous statement and got called out. end of story. i could give a fuck about either of them

heres an idea.. dont go to jezebel?

terrible news outlet.. you set yourselves up

woah buddy! you get the legit sounding explanation right the F outta here.. YOU BIGOT RACIST LBGTQ HATER!

lol.. yea.. everything was slanted against hillary only.. no slant towards trump at all... haha come on now.. the funny part is you really believe it im sure.