
Can you turn her microphone off please?

Here is a pro tip for the Premade Group finder Mike: Make your own premade group. Then you can say that it is a group for inexperienced players and that there will be no rush and you’ll be golden! 

Finding players shouldn’t be that hard.

I remember watching Jessica Jones with my parents as a bunch of thugs were about to beat up Luke Cage. Was a fun feeling being the only one who could foresee the outcome.

Do they make gloves that would fit his hands, though?

More importantly, who's the beautiful girl in apology #6?

I would love a game where I can ride somebody whose riding a horse.

Survival Horror. A moment of comedy. Loss. And pills.

All I see is that they didn’t promote nonsense masquerading as news, like the Lois Lerner business. There’s a reason some of what the “curators” came across went unrecognized: so much of what passes as conservative news is nothing but dog-whistles and shibboleths, meaningless to people outside of the Fox bubble.

I'm kind of ashamed to admit I've never heard of the Invictus (awesome poem. Good movie.) Games. The whole thing sounds awesome! The games, the purpose, the good natured shit talking. It's sweet and kinda helps me get my head out of the oven about trump, Cruz, the newest police brutality report, the transphobic

This is what progressive leadership looks like south of the Mason-Dixon line.

I'd be fine with that. My vote is for Cap (if he's alive) in Daredevil. They've got some history in the comics.

Hey guys, good list but I do have a hang up with the best wax pen choice. As someone who lives in colorado and smokes shatter/wax exclusively, I have been through many different types of pens to find the best one and while I haven’t used that particular one you reviewed, I have used many in the style and the single