
Someone around here owns one. No wait, they just bought a Santa Cruz 

Is that a pun?

Your first mistake was buying a 2000 S4

Takumi’s 86 also had that. It wasn’t pleasant in a Japanese cartoon for dum dums, so I imagine it’s worse in IRL 70’s cars

Learned about Rich when he did a vid with Samcrac, have respected him ever since 

Look, you slimey Yugo owning, goatee’d monster, A car company actually wants to make a Sedan. How dare you criticize that!??


You combined the two things I hate the most in the car community and for that you deserve death

Ok, you drive a hard bargain but I’ll give you an electric dirt bike and $75 if you give me the rs5 and throw in the rs3. But that’s as high as I’ll go

I can give you $70 and a cookie 


Did someone say Celica styling?

Forget selling a kidney, if sacrifice my entire body and soul just to touch a sample of the paint.

This is a bad take Takuro. I expect better from you

Well considering these people dared to buy it and then announce it so excitedly on Twitter, it feels like they have some car knowledge up there 

Not when it’s a boring cloth interiored sedan vs a luxury leather interiored crossover 

There’s no possible reason this shouldn’t be the next COTD

Jeezy- American Dream

Why couldn’t we just buyout Elizabeth and keep Stef?

But the question still stands: Can I drive it in Bikini Bottom and Is it more flashy than the invisible boatmobile?