
I plan on getting a Mugen RR kit like this one for my 2008 USDM Civic when I can drive it in 2 years

Sick burn

Jeremy Clarkson’s Police car had these. I advise you to see for yourself how that ended

Orange color is best color

Oh my god. Get the fuck out of here with your “cars are the killers of the earth” bullshit. Because if you haven’t noticed, the only way the earth and we couldn’t get harmed, is if the human race never existed or was wiped out. You mentioned how roads take up a large portion of the earth, and yet you know damn well

Jalops never know how to control themselves in these types of stories

SpaceX was founded in 2002. Let that sink in

Good to see she got what was coming. I wish I could get a smart car for free.

Name of the lot near your mom’s house?

Whatever happened with that stupid Tenant you had and how much did all these cost?

Well f*ck, now I want an X1/9

Calling all 8th gen owners!!

You say their own as if they’re not fucking people

Reminds me of that 12 year old who bought a beetle and found it in a shack on the other side of her town

This one.

You know how as a child you have these aspirations you’ll never accomplish of the perfect person you’ll be when you grow up

Just think, in 70 Years at the bottom of the ocean this could look like one of your projects:

I wish the Tesla superchargers were universal, at least with a membership. Doesn’t Tesla give their patents anyway? Why can’t manufacturers just use those charger port patents?

Is Mazda still even owned by Ford?